Wed, 02/08/2017
23 students from 9 CEI Member States (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine), among others, participated in the 2017 Edition of the EU and Legal Reform Summer School held on 9-15 July in Igalo, Montenegro.
Wed, 02/08/2017
The international training programme for performance artists and students “Two Open Weeks of Plavo Theatre-10th jubilee edition” took place in Belgrade on 16-29 July. 31 participants from 14 Central European countries and one participant from outside Europe, a person researching Central European culture and art participated in the event.
Tue, 01/08/2017
Over 300 students from 40 European countries gathered at the 85th International Session of the European Youth Parliament (EYP) in Brno (Czech Republic) on 19-30 July.
Thu, 27/07/2017
The 1st Regional Stakeholders Workshop of the FVG Region within the EU Project ITHACA (InnovaTion in Health And Care for All) was organised in Trieste on 10 July and was attended by representatives of various health-related institutions.
Thu, 27/07/2017
The ALDA Summer University organised in Skopje on 17-22 July under the title “Remembrance and intercultural dialogue” was organised by the ALDA-European Association for Local Democracy and supported by the CEI in cooperation with the FON University.
Mon, 24/07/2017
The COME-IN! Guidelines for accessible museums were presented to Italian stakeholders in Trieste on 14 July. The event was organised by the Regional Council of Associations of the People with Disabilities and their Families of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (FVG), in cooperation with the CEI in its capacity as Project Lead Partner.
Tue, 18/07/2017
The Bridge Building Summer School on Social Welfare (BB Summer School) took place on 10-14 July 2017 at the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research in Vienna, Austria. The event was attended by participants from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine.
Fri, 14/07/2017
“Regional cooperation has remained a decisive tool to ensure cooperative relations and promote political dialogue. At the same time, regional cooperation proved helpful to mitigate the emergence of potential dividing lines between countries in and out the EU, in and out NATO, in and out the Macro-Regional Strategies established since 2008.
Mon, 10/07/2017
The 14th edition of the DRC Summer School was held at the University of Pécs, Hungary on 2-9 July under the main topic “New Borders Between Old Neighbours – Return of History in The Danube Region?”. The keynote lecture was subsequently delivered by Erhard Busek, chairman of IDM.
The variety of lectures and the interdisciplinary approach of the summer school was also reflected in the workshops, where the participants had the opportunity to present their research:
The variety of lectures and the interdisciplinary approach of the summer school was also reflected in the workshops, where the participants had the opportunity to present their research:
Wed, 05/07/2017
The International Festival of Local Televisions/Golden Beggar is one of the most important media events in Slovakia. It promotes the exchange of experiences and expertise among local television stations as well as the partnership and cooperation between producers of audiovisual works and TV programmes.
Tue, 04/07/2017
The Adult Education Institution Dante organised the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Adult Education "Developing and Understanding Professional Identity of Adult Educators" at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka (Croatia) on 14 - 17 June.
Mon, 03/07/2017
International Conference DisCo 2017 held in Prague: Open education towards a knowledge-based society
Under the title “Open education as a way to a knowledge society”, the International Conference DisCo 2017 was held at the Microsoft office in Prague on 26-27 June. The 12th edition of the event was organised by the Centre for Higher Education Studies and the Department of Information Science and Librarianship at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and West Bohemia University.
Thu, 29/06/2017
The workshop “Training in advanced material characterisation in Large Scale Research Infrastructures” was organised by the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium – CERIC at its HQs in Trieste on 16-27 June.
Thu, 29/06/2017
Under the title “The Western Balkans in the European Union: Perspectives of a region in Europe?”, the 2nd edition of the Reflection Forum was held in Trieste on 26-27 June, gathering experts working in national and European administrations and institutions, researchers affiliated with European think-tanks and universities from 25 EU and Western Balkan countries.
Thu, 22/06/2017
This year’ s Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, under the Belarusian CEI Presidency, was opened in Minsk on 22 June by H.E Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.
Considering the multifold regional challenges and developments, the Meeting focused on the increased role of the CEI Member States in promoting connectivity and interoperability among various integration processes in a Wider Europe.
Considering the multifold regional challenges and developments, the Meeting focused on the increased role of the CEI Member States in promoting connectivity and interoperability among various integration processes in a Wider Europe.
Wed, 21/06/2017
RAD 2017 was organised by the RAD Association in cooperation with the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš in Budva, Montenegro on 12-16 June.
Tue, 13/06/2017
The Austrian Chairmanship of the OSCE and the Belarusian CEI Presidency organised the OSCE-CEI High-Level Panel Discussion “Beyond the emergency: improving the international response to large movements of people” in Vienna on 9 June.
Mon, 12/06/2017
In the framework of the Belarusian CEI Presidency, the ministerial conference on “Promoting Connectivity in the CEI Region: Bridging the Gap between Europe and Asia” as well as the meeting of the Senior Management of the CEI Chambers of Commerce and Industry took place in Minsk on 8-9 June.
Mon, 12/06/2017
Accessibility is not a special need, everyone needs equal access and equal opportunies was one of the main topics of discussion during the transnational conference “COME-IN! Challenges towards the accessible museum” held in Brussels on 8 June.
Several EU stakeholders attended the event focused on the COME-IN! Guidelines, i.e. a set of rules, technical requirements and legal framework to ensure full accessibility of small and medium-sized museums in Central Europe.
Several EU stakeholders attended the event focused on the COME-IN! Guidelines, i.e. a set of rules, technical requirements and legal framework to ensure full accessibility of small and medium-sized museums in Central Europe.
Fri, 09/06/2017
The Meeting of the CEI PD Parliamentary Committee under the title "Intellectualization of economy in the CEI region: innovative production, governance and human capital" took place in Minsk on 29-31 May.