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Youth, women and other vulnerable groups

Prioritising the empowerment of youth, women, and other vulnerable groups is crucial to secure a sustainable and prosperous future. Challenges such as youth unemployment, gender inequality and unequal opportunities persist, demanding targeted solutions.

Youth empowerment
Prioritising the empowerment of youth is crucial to secure a sustainable and prosperous future. Challenges such as inadequate education systems and consequent difficulties in the transition from education to the labour market are central and demand urgent and targeted solutions.

The CEI is committed to raising awareness and implementing measures to address these issues, including supporting youth through capacity building and mobility programmes.

CEI initiatives mainly focus on: the modernisation of educational systems; supporting digital and school-to-work transition; promoting youth participation in decision-making; raising youth awareness on sustainable development goals.

Women empowerment

Regional sustainable development requires gender equality through women empowerment and meaningful participation in all levels of society and the policy-making process.  

The CEI is undertaking awareness-raising activities to advance the opportunities for women’s access to education, employment, political participation and leisure activities in view of reducing gender-based social and economic inequalities.

CEI activities mainly focus on: fostering networking and best practice exchange among women from various backgrounds; promoting capacity-building programmes, mentorship initiatives, training activities and skills development; supporting services for victims of gender-based violence.


Ms. Barbara Fabro

Senior Executive Officer
+39 040 7786 725

Ms. Slavena Radovanovic Lolic

Senior Executive Officer (Focal Point for CEI Youth Agenda)
+39 040 7786 736

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