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CERIC-CEI CONTACT OpeN ACcess Training in Trieste

The workshop “Training in advanced material characterisation in Large Scale Research Infrastructures” was organised by the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium – CERIC  at its HQs in Trieste on 16-27 June.
The training and networking activities - which brought together 27 researchers from 14 countries from Central and Eastern Europe - focused on both theoretical lectures on synchrotron, ion beam and magnetic resonance spectroscopy-based techniques, and practical tutorials on synchrotron beamlines at the Italian CERIC facility, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste. One of the goals of the event was to encourage researchers from target countries to become active users in the future and increase their contribution to excellent science in the European Research Area, by presenting their proposals at the upcoming calls for open access to large-scale research infrastructures such as CERIC.

Participants with backgrounds in chemistry, physics, mathematics, genetics, ecology and engineering, as well as representatives of National Contact Points for H2020-Research Infrastructures, were introduced to techniques that could be useful for their fellows’ current and future research studies. They also received information regarding solutions CERIC facilities can provide in a wide variety of scientific fields. The workshop also gave participants a chance for networking and setting up future collaborations and projects.
This workshop is co-funded by the CEI Cooperation Fund and by the Horizon 2020 project ACCELERATE, in the framework of the CONTACT Project (CERIC-CEI OpeN ACcess Training).
  • The organisers’ full press release is available HERE.
  • The lectures are available HERE.

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