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CEI Medal of Honour

CEI Medal of Honour

The CEI Medal of Honour was created by the decision of the CEI Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Wroclaw in June 2003 to award those who have acquired special merits in the framework of the CEI. The recipients of the CEI Medal of Honour throughout the years were the following:




  • Min. Plenipotentiary Alessandro Pietromarchi, former National Coordinator (Italy)
  • State Counsellor Jon Ivanovski, former National Coordinator (Macedonia)


  • Amb. Józef Wiejacz, former National Coordinator of Poland and Special Advisor of the Polish Government during the second Polish CEI Presidency in 2003 (Poland)


  • Mr. Agim Pasholli, Chairman of the CNC during the Albanian Presidency (Albania)
  • Prof. Domenico Romeo, former Rector of the University of Trieste and Secretary General of the CEI University Network from 2004 to  2006 (Italy)
  • Mr. Giovanni Baiocchi, Head of the Office of Inter-parliamentary Relations of the Italian Senate and Secretary of the Italian CEI Parliamentary Delegation from 2001 to 2006 (Italy)
  • Mr. Alois Geisslhofer, Managing Director of the Austrian Energy Agency, Member and later on Co-Chair of the CEI WG on Energy from 2003 to 2006 (Austria)
  • Ms. Lara Tassan Zanin, Co-ordinator and Head of the CEI Funding Unit from 2004 to 2006 (Italy)


  • Mr. Svilen Iliev, CEI National Coordinator and Chairman of the Bulgarian CEI Presidency 2007 (Bulgaria)
  • Mr. Zbigniew Kruzynski, National Coordinator of Poland, Mr. Hannes Porias, former National Coordinator (Austria)
  • Mr. Jaroslav Štepanek, former National Coordinator (Czech Republic)
  • Mr. Carlo Rizzuto, Chair of the WG on Science and Technology (Italy)
  • Ms. Fuada Stanković, Chair of the WG on Education (Serbia)
  • Mr. Hari Štajner, Co-chair of the WG on Information and Media (Serbia)
  • Ms. Miroslava Kopicová, Co-chair of the WG on Human Resources Development and Training (Czech Republic)
  • Ms. Dragica Karaić, Co-chair of the WG on SMEs (Croatia)
  • Ms. Branka Škarić, from the Croatian Charmanship of the WG on Tourism
  • Min. Eugenio Campo, former CEI-ES Deputy Director General and Chairman of the Task Force on the CEI Repositioning (Italy)
  • Mr. Gianfranco Cicognani, CEI Science and Technology Advisor (Italy)
  • Ms. Giulietta Del Fabbro, former CEI-ES Senior Executive Officer  (Italy)
  • Mr. Igor Coretti-Kuret, Artistic Director of the CEI Youth Orchestra (Italy-Slovenia)


  • Mr. Dumitru Tira, Chairman of the CNC, Moldovan Presidency 2008 
  • Amb. Harald Kreid, CEI-ES Director General from January 2002 to December 2007 and CEI-ES Alternate Secretary General from January 2008 to October 2008 (Austria)


  • Min. Plen. Guglielmo Ardizzone, former National Coordinator (Italy)


  • Amb. Gerhard Pfanzelter, former CEI Secretary General  (Austria)
  • Sen. Oskar Peterlini, former Chairman of the General Committee on Cultural Affairs of the CEI Parliamentary Dimension (Italy)


  • Sen. Roberto Antonione, Chairman of the Italian Parliamentary Delegation at the CEI Parliamentary Assembly and former Italian Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs (Italy)


  • Amb. Heidemaria Guerer, former CEI National Coordinator (Austria)


  • Min. Plen. Andrea Orizio, former CEI National Coordinator (Italy)


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