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International scientific conference on adult education held in Rijeka (Croatia)

The Adult Education Institution Dante organised the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Adult Education "Developing and Understanding Professional Identity of Adult Educators" at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka (Croatia) on 14 - 17 June.

The main topic of this conference was developing and understanding the professional identity of adult educators. The event brought together scientists and expert practitioners in adult education, representatives of government agencies and ministries, professional associations, and other interested stakeholders from Croatia and abroad. It included plenary talks, presentations organised in 4 sessions, discussions after each session, and a trip to Istria on the last day of the conference.
By taking part in the conference, the participants publicly promoted the importance of adult education, contributed to the strengthening of cross-border cooperation, networking, and to conducting andragogical research.
The conference is a part of the project "Developing and understanding our professional ID" co-financed by the CEI Cooperation Fund.

  • More information available HERE.



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