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The Steering Committee Meeting of the project CONNECT2CE (Improved rail connections and smart mobility in Central Europe) took place in Bolzano (Italy) on 23-24 May, on the premises of EURAC (project partner).
The VIII CEI–HECE Spring School on “IoT, economic and management challenges for e-health integration in the enlarged Europe” took place in Koper, Slovenia on 14-17 May. The event was organised by the Higher Education in Clinical Engineering (HECE) of the University of Trieste.
In the framework of the Friuli Venezia Giulia International Piano Competition, the CEI co-sponsored the organisation of the CEI Piano Forum 2018, an international conference held in Sacile, Italy, on 7 May, gathering young musicians and experts from all the CEI countries.
Over 40 representatives from 15 parliaments of the CEI Member States gathered in Zagreb, on 14 May, to attend the meeting of the Parliamentary Committee of the CEI Parliamentary Dimension held under the Croatian CEI Presidency.
As lead partner of the project COME-IN! (Cooperating for Open access to Museums – towards a widEr INclusion), the CEI attended the launch of the new exhibition “Work is invisible” of the Arbeitswelt Museum in Steyr, Austria.
The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia organised the international conference “Knowledge sharing for building stronger partnerships in the process of European integration” in Zagreb on 25-26 April, in the framework of  Croatian CEI Presidency.
Within the project “Integrated Waste-Oils Management System - Transfer of Best Practices for Safe, Sustainable and Eco-friendly Transport in Serbia (WASTEOILFREE)” the first training workshop on improvement of waste oils management framework in Serbia held on 24 April 2018.

The conference in Minsk on 23-27 April - jointly organised by ICRANet and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus - gathered 80 participants from CEI countries, i.e. Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovenia,  Ukraine as well from other countries (Argentina, Armenia, China, Colombia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia, Taiwan).
On 23 and 24 April 2018, the city of Zadar, Croatia, hosted the official Kick-off Meeting of the BLUE_BOOST project. Seven project partners from Croatia, Italy, Greece and Albania gathered to launch this 22-month project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg ADRION Programme.  
The CEI’s annual Steering Committee (SC) meeting and the CEI Committee of National Coordinators (CNC) meeting under the Croatian Presidency, took place at the Headquarters of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London on 19 April. 

More than 125 representatives from the business community as well as lawyers and arbitrators attended the conference "Strengthening the cooperation between business partners by enhancing arbitral resolution of disputes - Modern times for Arbitration: Initiatives and perspectives" held in Skopje, Macedonia, on 19-20 April.
Considering that over the last years, many arbitral institutions have revised their arbitration rules with a focus on speed and time-efficiency, the discussion paid attention to the efficiency of arbitration proceedings.

The 4helix+ project, co-financed by the ERDF under the Interreg MED Programme, was successfully kicked off in Rome on 16-17 April.
The Annual Report 2017 of the CEI Fund at the EBRD contributed by Italy was presented during the CEI Steering Committee Meeting at the EBRD Headquarters in London on 19 April 2018.
The regional conference on "Cultural and Historical Potential in Tourism" took place at the Cultural Center Parobrod in Belgrade, Serbia, on 31 March.    
During the event, the following topics were discussed: modern tourism experiences, important quantitative and qualitative changes manifested in the dynamic growth of tourism, the globalisation of the tourism market, the creation of new and more flexible forms of production and consumption of services, economic liberalisation and  fostering fiscal measures.
The second edition of the “scientific and practical” symposium - under the title "Combating illegal migration and illicit human trafficking" - was organised by the Department for International Affairs of the University King Danylo on 16 – 17 March.

Minsk has a population of more than two million, in a country of 9.5 million people. Road and traffic connections are centred around the capital, and in total, the road network of Belarus exceeds 86,000 km. About 16,000 km of the country’s major highways carry the bulk of freight and passenger traffic.
The EBRD is providing a long-term 42.5 million EUR loan for the completion of the outer (second) ring road in Minsk, which will enable better interconnections around the Belarusian capital and improved links between the country’s major highways.
In the framework of the long-standing cooperation between the CEI Secretariat and OGS (Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics),  the CEI is glad to announce that applications are accepted for the Summer School on Blue Growth in the Euro-Mediterranean Region 2018.

Selected candidates will be granted fellowships covering their expenses for travel and accommodation and the mobility of several participants from the CEI region will be co-financed by the CEI.

The CEI and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), in special partnership with the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), have opened the Call for Applications 2018 of the CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism.

The Call is divided into two categories: “Professional journalists” (4.000 EUR) and “Young professional journalists” (1.000 EUR).
During the 2015-2016 crisis, the territorial dimension of migration management was on top of the international agenda and focused on the improvement of long-term reception and integration of asylum seekers and refugees.
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