Environmental protection
Tue, 01/12/2020
On 26 November, around fifty participants joined the 1st Webinar of the EU project SUSTOURISMO funded by the Interreg ADRION programme organised by the Central European Initiative – Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) to get closer to the tourism-sector-related stakeholders.
Thu, 27/02/2020
The transfer of know-how on market coupling initiatives among EU Member States to the National Regulatory Authorities of Albania (ERE), Energy Water Services Regulatory Commission of North Macedonia (ERC), Montenegro (REGAGEN) and Serbia (AERS) is the main objective of the third phase of the Know-how Exchange Programme project “CEI support for strengthening Energy Regulatory Authorities in the Western Balkans” launched in Sofia on 21 February.
Wed, 18/12/2019
On 16 December, the final conference of the European project NAMIRG took place at the premises of the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Mon, 16/12/2019
On 10 December, the final promotional event of the NAMIRG project took place at the European Parliament.
Thu, 28/11/2019
The second phase of the Know-how Exchange Programme Project “Support for Strengthening Energy Regulatory Authorities in the Western Balkans” held during 2019, ended yesterday with the last out of four capacity-building technical seminars and a closing ceremony.
Tue, 26/11/2019
On 22 November, the final exercise at sea of the NAMIRG project took place in the Port of Pula, Croatia.
Wed, 30/10/2019
In the framework of the INNOVA.RISKS Project, a Moldovan delegation (know-how recipient) went on a study visit to Italy on 23-26 October.
Fri, 31/05/2019
On 28 May, Chișinău hosted the Final workshop of the SM.Art RI.ver GO.vernance 2.0 Project. The project was supported by the CEI Fund at the EBRD, solely financed by Italy, and implemented through the CEI Know-how Exchange Programme.
Tue, 09/04/2019
The International high-level Conference on “Inter-basin Cooperation on Marine Litter: a focus on the Danube River and the Black Sea” took place in Sofia on 4 April. The event was organised by the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) and the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS).
Tue, 26/02/2019
On 10-13 February, the first practical laboratory on valuation of ecosystem services along with a workshop on identifying the institutional and economic barriers hindering the application of ecosystem services approach to local planning and resources management was held in Crocmaz, Moldova, in the framework of the CEI Know-how Exchange Programme (KEP) project We4Nature & Nature4us: AAs Enshrined Ecosystem Services.
Wed, 24/10/2018
The second capacity-building workshop of the WASTEOILFREE project (Integrated Waste-oils Management System. Transfer of Best Practices for Safe, Sustainable and Eco-friendly Transport in Serbia) was held in Belgrade on 19 October 2018 at the Serbian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Wed, 25/07/2018
On 24 July, the CEI Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) hosted the 2nd Steering Committee meeting of the NAMIRG project (North Adriatic Maritime Incident Response Group), financed by DG ECHO.
Thu, 03/05/2018
Within the project “Integrated Waste-Oils Management System - Transfer of Best Practices for Safe, Sustainable and Eco-friendly Transport in Serbia (WASTEOILFREE)” the first training workshop on improvement of waste oils management framework in Serbia held on 24 April 2018.
Wed, 02/05/2018
The conference in Minsk on 23-27 April - jointly organised by ICRANet and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus - gathered 80 participants from CEI countries, i.e. Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Ukraine as well from other countries (Argentina, Armenia, China, Colombia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia, Taiwan).
Mon, 12/03/2018
The launching press conference of the NAMIRG project took place on 9 March at the CEI headquarters in Trieste. The event was attended by media representatives as well as by local authorities and project partners.
Fri, 26/01/2018
On 17 January the CEI-ES hosted the Kick off meeting of the project NAMIRG - North Adriatic MIRG (Maritime Incident Response Group), funded under the European Commission Directorate-General For European Civil Protection And Humanitarian Aid Operations – DG ECHO.
Thu, 20/02/2014
On 18 February 2014, the first expert workshop of the BIOGOS Project was held in Belgrade at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.
Tue, 04/02/2014
Around fifty participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro gathered in Belgrade on 28 January for the "Regional Sector Stakeholders’ Conference on Advanced Biofuels and Rural Innovation", organised by the CEI in the framework of the project “Improving Cooperation in SEE by Actions for Strengthening the RCC” financed by the EU IPA Programme.
The conference, hosted at the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, provided new opportunities for networking and connecting perspectives.
The conference, hosted at the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, provided new opportunities for networking and connecting perspectives.