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International expert conference on combined cargo transport held in Zagreb

The International Expert Conference on Combined Cargo Transport took place in Zagreb on 29 May 2018. The event was organised by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure on the occasion of this year’s Croatian CEI Presidency.
The presentations dealt with digitalisation of transport documents, which would contribute to a faster and simplified cargo flow, recent innovations and technologies, options, challenges, but also risks encountered by the development of intermodal transport in the Republic of Croatia, the western Balkan Region and beyond.
The conference was attended by the representatives of CEI Member States, of several embassies in Croatia, the representative of  the EC Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), the UN Economic Committee for Europe (UN/ECE), the South-Eastern Europe Traffic Observatory (SEETO), the International Union of Companies in Road and Rail Transport (UIRR), the Intermodal Transport and Logistics Community of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, the Danube Commission, the International Sava Basin Commission, relevant state authorities, academic community, port authorities and ports, transport organisers, road and railway transport operators and shipping companies.

This event was co-funded by the CEI Cooperation Fund.

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