Tue, 31/01/2017
The final event of the project "Heroes and she-roes”: Knowledge for analysis of and advocacy for equal pay for women and mothers in Macedonia (SHE-ROES) was organised in Skopje on 30 January.
Mon, 30/01/2017
This year's CEI Award at the Trieste Film Festival has been bestowed upon the Romanian film director and screenwriter Cristi Puiu. The award (3.000 EUR) - traditionally assigned to an artist who best interprets the contemporary reality of Europe and dialogue among cultures - was presented by CEI Deputy Secretary General, Erik Csernovitz, on 26 January.
Tue, 24/01/2017
Tue, 20/12/2016
Under the title ”Driving Forces and Perspectives for the Development of the CEI Wood Sector”, the CEI Business Forum organised under the BiH CEI Presidency, took place in Sarajevo on 16 December. Representatives of several companies and institutions from CEI countries, including the President of the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH and a representative of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, gathered in order to discuss issues and opportunities for the timber industry in the region.
Fri, 16/12/2016
Ukraine enjoys a major role as a global grain producer and exporter and still has a considerable potential for growth. By 2020, wheat exports from the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Ukraine are estimated to be approximately double to that of the United States. However, Ukraine has not been able to fully realise its production potential due to a number of constraints, with financing being only one of them.
Thu, 15/12/2016
Representatives from state administrations and NGOs of 26 countries in North, Central and South Eastern Europe met in Stockholm on 8 – 9 December to share their experiences and knowledge on the reception of unaccompanied children and related necessary assistance. The event under the title “Promoting Good Practices in Protecting Unaccompanied Children and Finding Solutions for the Children, Families, Societies and States”, was organised and co-financed by the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) and the CEI Secretariat.
Thu, 15/12/2016
On the occasion of the CEI Summit held in Sarajevo, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the CEI and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) was signed by CEI Secretary General, Giovanni Caracciolo di Vietri, and IOM Senior Regional Advisor for Europe, Pasquale Lupoli.
Wed, 14/12/2016
The Meeting of the CEI-PD Parliamentary Assembly took place in Sarajevo on 5-7 December.
Participants exchanged views on the different strategies for preventing and combating terrorism in the light of the migration crisis, also beyond the CEI constituency.
Participants exchanged views on the different strategies for preventing and combating terrorism in the light of the migration crisis, also beyond the CEI constituency.
Tue, 13/12/2016
The Meeting of the Heads of Government of the 18 CEI Member States (CEI Summit) took place in Sarajevo today, 13 December, back to back with the last CNC Meeting under the BiH CEI Presidency.
Participants exchanged views on the European integration process in the light of the migration crisis as well as on infrastructural connectivity of the CEI Region as a precondition for sustainable development and regional and European integration processes.
Participants exchanged views on the European integration process in the light of the migration crisis as well as on infrastructural connectivity of the CEI Region as a precondition for sustainable development and regional and European integration processes.
Tue, 06/12/2016
International experts and representatives met on 24 November, at a workshop on sanitary implications of the mass-movement of people. The event was held as a preliminary activity for the 10th Conference of the International Society for Health & Human Rights (ISHHR) under the title “Mental health, mass people displacement & ethnic minorities”, also taking place in Novi Sad next year.
Tue, 06/12/2016
Young scholars working on Central and South Eastern Europe in the fields of cultural studies, history, anthropology, media studies, political sciences, geography and sociology gathered from 17 different countries at the University for Applied Sciences in Vienna, on 1-2 December to attend the 5th Young Scholars Forum.
Fri, 02/12/2016
As part of the MEDOCE project "Establishing Methodology for the Development of CE Application for Directive on Machinery", on 24 November, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS) hosted a training for producers of machinery who have to meet the technical requirements regarding CE marking or the Serbian harmonisation marking for their products.
Wed, 30/11/2016
More than 20 participants from Serbia as well as from Austria, Germany and Hungary, i.e. owners and operators of the biogas plants, representatives of the Serbian biogas association, consulting companies and governmental bodies, gathered in Novi Sad on 21 November 2016, for the final meeting of the project “LCA – GHG emissions of RES production and utilization in Serbia – RESEnviro”.
Tue, 29/11/2016
The Final Conference of the WaterLEAP Project was organised in Chisinau on 23 November by the Business Development Group Romania (know-how provider) with the support of the Moldovan know how recipient, the Basin Water Management Authority of Moldova and the Agency “Waters of Moldova”.
Mon, 28/11/2016
More than 300 participants - editors-in-chief, leading journalists, business professionals, civil society and academia as well as policy makers - attended this year’s South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) in Belgrade on 21-22 November.
Fri, 25/11/2016
Representatives of OSCE participating States in Central and Eastern European countries (CEEs) as well as international organisations attended a three-day workshop on contemporary trends in labour migration and gender in CEEs, held in Chisinau on 23 November.
Thu, 17/11/2016
The CEI and the South East Europe Media Organisation, in special partnership with the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, have announced the winners of the “CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism 2016”: Lindita Çela in the section “Professional Journalists” and Artsiom Harbatsevich in the section “Young Professional Journalists”.
Fri, 11/11/2016
In the framework of its activities fostering Bioeconomy and, in particular, those promoting the potential of sustainable Bioenergy in Central, East, and South Eastern Europe, the CEI has strengthened its cooperation with ETA-Florence in relation to the organisation of the 25th Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBECE) taking place in Stockholm in June 2017.
Thu, 10/11/2016
On 8-9 November, the CEI participated in the first conference on mobility in the Alps, organised by the EUSALP (EU Strategy for the Alpine Region) Action Group 4 (AG4) on Transport and Mobility in Innsbruck, Austria.
The meeting was open to the general public and provided a platform for direct exchange with politicians and stakeholders in the EUSALP framework. It was the first of a series of annual events on the theme of mobility in the Alps, organised by the EUSALP AG4 leader, the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino.
The meeting was open to the general public and provided a platform for direct exchange with politicians and stakeholders in the EUSALP framework. It was the first of a series of annual events on the theme of mobility in the Alps, organised by the EUSALP AG4 leader, the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino.
Tue, 08/11/2016
Leading energy specialists, professors and researchers as well as international bodies examined possible alternative energy visions and roadmaps within the workshop for alternative energy planners and modelling experts in Budapest on 3 November. The event aimed at supporting Central- and Eastern European countries (CEE) to develop sustainable energy systems and hence to initiate a research project about a common alternative energy scenario for the entire region of CEE and South Eastern Europe (SEE).