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​CEI PD Parliamentary Assembly in Sarajevo on countering terrorism

The Meeting of the CEI-PD Parliamentary Assembly took place in Sarajevo on 5-7 December. 
Participants exchanged views on the different strategies for preventing and combating terrorism in the light of the migration crisis, also beyond the CEI constituency.
As outlined in the Final Declaration adopted at the end of the gathering, the Parliamentary Assembly urges the European Union and international organizations to step up its role as a coordinator in the management of the migration crisis, particularly with a view to revising the Dublin agreement; underlines the need to ensure that migrants and refugees, and especially unaccompanied foreign children, enjoy living conditions complying with fundamental human right and welcomes the initiatives and projects in the field of migration developed by the CEI Secretariat in Trieste.
During the gathering, the representatives of the General Committees were also elected:
Nastimir Ananiev (MP from Bulgaria) was elected as the new Chair of the CEI – PD General Committee on Political Affairs, the Vice Chair of the said Committee will be elected at the next CEI PD Meeting; Franc Trcek (MP form Slovenia) and Lodovico Sonego (MP from Italy)  were respectively reconfirmed as Chair and Vice Chair of the CEI – PD General Committee on Economic Affairs; Luis Alberto Orellana (MP from Italy) and Susanne Kurz (MP from Austria) were respectively reconfirmed as Chair and Vice Chair of the CEI – PD General Committee on Cultural Affairs.  ***  The event was organised within the CEI Parliamentary Dimension which along with the Governmental and the Business Dimensions, is positioned as one of the three pillars of the CEI.
The annual chairmanship of the Parliamentary Dimension rotates according to the annual CEI Presidency


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