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KEP Project on energy market integration: EU, Italy and Balkans get closer and closer

The second phase of the Know-how Exchange Programme Project “Support for Strengthening Energy Regulatory Authorities in the Western Balkans” held during 2019, ended yesterday with the last out of four capacity-building technical seminars and a closing ceremony. 

The gathering was also an opportunity to announce the financing of the third phase of the project under the CEI Fund at the EBRD which, in addition to the energy regulatory authorities of Italy, Albania, Montenegro, and Serbia, will also include Bulgaria and North Macedonia.

Through this Programme, inter alia, the CEI is engaged to support institutional development and capacity building activities that - as far the energy sector is concerned - might result in policy dialogue actions with energy market stakeholders and the development of favourable regulatory frameworks.

The first two phases of the project, led by the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (ARERA) mainly provided technical assistance to energy regulators of Albania, Montenegro and Serbia.

In fact, this project was designed to gradually introduce - through a series of thematic workshops - roles, responsibilities and experience in the area of interest from  the Italian regulatory authority, transmission system operator and power exchange to their Western Balkan peer institutions.

These capacity-building actions support the implementation of a market coupling mechanism in the Balkan Region in order to favour the creation of a regional electricity market and its integration with the single European market within the framework of the Western Balkans 6 Process.

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