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On 16 April, the CEI National Coordinators convened in Vienna for their second meeting under Montenegrin Presidency.
Chaired by Ambassador Nebojša Kaluđerović, newly appointed Political Director, the meeting was attended by Hon. Roberto Antonione, Chair of the International Group of Experts on the Strengthening of the CEI (IGE) , which held a meeting in Vienna on 15 April.

In order to contribute to the evolving EU Strategy for the Danube Region, the CEI participated in the Public Consultation on the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, launched by the European Commission from 2 February to 12 April 2010.

The know-how transfer between the Port of Venice (Italy) and the Port of Durres (Albania), within the PORTRAIN project  was successfully concluded last  month with a final conference in Tirana.
The project focused on establishing a training centre for safety regulations at work within the Port of Durres, on applying relevant procedures and regulations already in place in major European ports as well as on creating training courses for Port Authority staff.

On the occasion of the Regional Conference on “The Governance of Cross-border Territories: Models and Ideas for the Brenner Area” held in Trento (Italy) on 22 March, the CEI-ES was invited to exchange views on its experience on one of its priority areas of intervention, cross-border cooperation.

In his opening speech, Deputy Secretary General, Min. Mykola Melenevskyi highlighted the CEI interregional policy in approaching the new EU instrument - the European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC).

CEI Secretary General, Amb. Gerhard Pfanzelter, addressed the conference on the Development Scenarios of the Adriatic-Balkan Region (Gorizia, 8 March 2010).

In outlining the CEI role in the Region, Amb. Pfanzelter emphasized the need to create a wide cooperation network between Adriatic and Balkan countries, in line with the EU policies.

On 8 March 2010, Trieste, the newly established International Group of Experts on the Strengthening of the CEI, formally approved at the  Committee of National Coordinators meeting held in Kolašin (Montenegro) on 18 February, gathered for its first meeting.
The IGE is composed of the countries representing the CEI Troika, i.e. Romania, Montenegro and Serbia, including Italy. The CEI Secretary General also takes part in the Group.

Among the 30 proposals submitted within the CEI UniNet Call for Proposals launched in September 2009, 13 post-graduate level courses have been selected: 7 Summer Schools, 2 PhD courses, 2 Seminars, 1 Master’s course and 1 Workshop.

The winning Joint Programmes will be coordinated by universities in Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine.


list of selected JPs

The Montenegrin CEI Presidency, represented by Ambassador Milorad Šćepanović, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro and CEI National Coordinator of Montenegro, has recently paid a visit to the CEI Headquarters in Trieste. The main aim was to communicate the priorities and the calendar of events of this year’s Presidency.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, Milan Rocen (see left) has recently received CEI Secretary General Ambassador Pfanzelter in Podgorica. The focus of the discussion between the distinguished interlocutors was the Montenegrin Presidency with the Initiative.

On 3-4 February, about 40 participants attended the First SEETAC Ministerial Conference in  Bucharest (Ramada Parc Hotel).

CEI Secretary General Gerhard Pfanzelter has recently attended in Gorizia, together with the Mayor of Gorizia, Mr. Ettore Romoli and the Mayor of Nova Gorica, Mr. Mirko Brulc, the launch of the first Italian-Slovenian European Group for Territorial Cooperation (EGCT).
EGCT is a recent  EU  project aimed to improve territorial cooperation at European level.

On 1 - 2 February 2010 the first Conference on the EU Strategy for the Danube Region was held in Ulm, Germany. Following the European Council’s request for the elaboration of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, the European Commission intends to develop a framework for Danube cooperation and a common action plan, bearing in mind the three “NO’s”: no new budget, no new institutions and no new legislation.

The CEI Award addressed to the film that best interprets the contemporary reality and dialogue between cultures has been assigned to the Bulgarian director Kamen Kalev for the feature film “Eastern Plays”. The international jury has selected this film “for the capability to tell a story with efficiency and proportion, a story that is emblematic of the problems linked with globalisation and at the same time stresses the profound humanity of the leading characters”.  
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