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First Meeting of International Group of Experts (IGE) on Strengthening CEI

On 8 March 2010, Trieste, the newly established International Group of Experts on the Strengthening of the CEI, formally approved at the  Committee of National Coordinators meeting held in Kolašin (Montenegro) on 18 February, gathered for its first meeting.
The IGE is composed of the countries representing the CEI Troika, i.e. Romania, Montenegro and Serbia, including Italy. The CEI Secretary General also takes part in the Group.

Chaired by the Italian representative, Hon. Roberto Antonione and hosted by Amb. Pfanzelter, CEI Secretary General, at the Headquarters of the Organization in Trieste, the meeting focused on four main issues regarding the political, structural, financial and visibility aspect of the CEI.   Participants agreed upon the fact that: o       from a political point of view, special attention ought to be paid to strengthening ties with the EU as well as to re-launching the CEI; o       the CEI calendar of meetings should be simplified; o       resources from all CEI Member States ought to be mobilized and that there is a need for streamlining available resources; o       the CEI visibility should be increased at national, regional and international level.   The Group will work on recommendations to be submitted to the CNC and for a final approval to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs Meeting to be held in June, through the CEI Presidency.                    


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