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Secretary General in Gorizia on Role of CEI in Adriatic - Balkan Region

CEI Secretary General, Amb. Gerhard Pfanzelter, addressed the conference on the Development Scenarios of the Adriatic-Balkan Region (Gorizia, 8 March 2010).

In outlining the CEI role in the Region, Amb. Pfanzelter emphasized the need to create a wide cooperation network between Adriatic and Balkan countries, in line with the EU policies.

The CEI - thanks to its membership which covers both Balkan and Adriatic countries, the well-functioning intergovernmental machinery, its consolidated instruments and funds - has become a trusted and credible actor in the region and could further contribute to the development of this area as an integrated macro-regional system. He also pointed out that the impressive political and financial commitment of Italy to the CEI has made the organization a key player in the region.   

“Through the intensified relations of the CEI with the EU - said Amb. Pfanzelter - and our envisaged participation in the emerging strategies on macro-regions I am sure we will be able to expand our activities in the years to come.”  The Secretary General confirmed the readiness of the CEI to closely cooperate with the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the follow-up of the conference offering its expertise, its consolidated networks and excellent political relations in the region.   Amb. Pfanzelter's full speech


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