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Cooperation Fund: international conference "Discrete Mathematics, Algebra and their Applications (DIMA-2015)” held in Minsk

The event, held at the premises of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in Minsk on 14-18 September, gathered 127 participants from several CEI Member States (Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Romania), Cyprus, Great Britain, Georgia, Switzerland and Taiwan.
The Conference was organised by the Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Belarus and by the
Belarusian State University, and co-chaired by the Minister of Education of Belarus, Michail Zhuravkov, and Professor Vyacheslav Yanchevskii of the Institute of Mathematics, NAS.
The 2015 edition of the event was dedicated to the 100th anniversary since the birth of Dmitrii Alexeevich Suprunenko (08.11.1915 — 01.08.1990), a Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and founder of the research schools in algebra and in discrete mathematics.
The programme included 17 lectures, 67 short talks, 84 reports and 36 posters covering a range of topics in the field of algebra, algebraic geometry, discrete mathematics and matchematical cybernetics. Considering the great interest expressed by the participants, the organisers plan on holding the next edition of the event within three years.
The Conference was co-funded by the CEI Cooperation Fund
The CEI Cooperation Fund, to which all the Member States contribute co-finances Cooperation Activities - projects of small scale and limited duration - which mainly take the form of seminars, workshops, short training courses or other kinds of meetings.

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