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The ways and modalities to support research, experimental artistic production and curatorial practice were debated during the CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators on 8 May at the Ca’ Rezzonico Museum, attended by qualified professionals, experts and artists from the CEI region.

The Macedonian CEI Presidency, in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, organised on 4 May in Vienna a Networking Meeting gathering the CEI Committee of National Coordinators (CNC) and representatives of various regional and international organisations.
The CEI Committee of National Coordinators (CNC) gathered for the third time this year in Vienna on 4 May.

The Presidency presented the latest organisational, protocol and logistics regarding the forthcoming meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs in Ohrid on 15 June. It also outlined the topics for discussion and a first draft of the document to be adopted by the Ministers.
The CEI Secretary General presented his 2014 Annual Report and the status of implementation of the CEI Plan of Action 2014-2016.
Focus was also put on:
More than 90 experts from research and technology institutions, governments, NGOs, SMEs and industrial enterprises from 16 European countries participated in the CEI-JRC European Workshop on Advanced Biofuels, Biorefinery and Bioeconomy (ABBE): A Challenge for Central and East European Countries, held in Bratislava, Slovakia on 25-27 March.
The CEI is glad to announce a new Call for Proposals for the CEI Know‐How Exchange Programme (KEP) ‐ ITALY. The projects will be co‐financed by the CEI Fund at the EBRD, entirely financed by the Italian Government.
The workshop on 22-23 April in Skopje (Macedonia) was organised within the one-year  KEP AUSTRIA Project Aim@Innovations aimed at strengthening national capacities for the provision of thematic trainings and consultancies in the area of innovation management to SMEs, start-ups and spinoffs in Macedonia. The project is co-financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation with 45.000 EUR.
Representatives of the Approval Authorities of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) and European Ministries for Economic Development, as well as of the European Commission, EU Committee of the Regions, European Investment Bank and Association of European Border Regions, were amongst the participants of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Approval Authorities of the EGTC, held in Budapest on 16 and 17 April 2015.

The current efforts in the region aimed at reinforcing connectivity and the transport system within the overall EU enlargement strategy were the focus of an international conference jointly organised by the CEI and the European Commission – Directorate General European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR). The event, held in Trieste on 21 April, also focused on the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), which provides financial and technical support to the candidate countries and potential candidates in the Western Balkans.
The Annual Report 2014 of the CEI Fund at the EBRD was presented during the CEI Steering Committee Meeting at the EBRD Headquarters in London on 17 April 2015.
The CEI Steering Committee (SC) and the CEI Committee of National Coordinators (CNC) met on 17 April 2015 at the Headquarters of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London.

The SC meeting, gathering the CEI National Coordinators and representatives from the CEI countries at the EBRD Board of Directors, focused on the recent developments in CEI-EBRD cooperation.

The Central European Initiative (CEI) and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), in special partnership with the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), have opened the Call for Applications 2015 of the CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism. The Call is divided into two categories: “Professional journalists” (4.000 EUR) and “Young professional journalists” (1.000 EUR).
33 participants from 25 organisations from 11 CEI Countries (Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia) gathered in Klagenfurt on 8-10 April to attend the first Danube:Future international workshop. Rectors from the Universities of Cluj-Napoca, Prague, Krems and Trieste were also invited to the event.
Key stakeholders who joined projects under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 gathered in Trieste, on 31 March 2015, to attend the capitalisation event for transport-related projects.

The CEI is glad to announce a new Call for Proposals for the CEI Know‐How Exchange Programme (KEP) ‐ AUSTRIA. The projects will be co‐financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation through an agreement between the CEI and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).
More than a hundred participants from CEI countries included in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) participated in the third Workshop for Networking and Cluster Development in Danube Region, held on March 10-11, 2015 in Vukovar, Croatia.

A two-week study visit (3 - 17 March 2015) took place in Albania in the Shkodra, Malesi e Madhe and Puke Districts (Shkodra Region), in the framework of the one-year KEP AUSTRIA project for the development of a “New micro-credit scheme to women empowerment”. The Project is co-financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation with around 50.000 EUR.

Public and private institutions registered in a CEI Member State as well as international and regional organisations are invited to apply to the CEI Cooperation Fund for innovative actions favouring mobility and networking. Proposals need to focus on capacity building by transferring and sharing know-how, in particular from EU CEI Member States to non-EU CEI Member States. The activities can take the form of conferences, seminars, workshops, and training activities.

In order to comply with the European rules on public procurement, the CEI Secretariat – Office for EU projects has established a list of economic operators for the most convenient provision of goods and services.

The Central European Initiative (CEI), in compliance with the “General Procurement Notice” of 31 July 2014 is drawing up a list of experts in order to meet the specific needs in the field of European affairs of availing itself with professional and technical knowledge in this sector.

The Central European Initiative is pleased to announce that the next Calls for Proposals within the CEI Know-how Exchange Programme (KEP) will be launched this spring as follows:
  • KEP AUSTRIA: planned to be launched the last week of March, with a closing date in early June. The indicative budget for this call is 170,000 EUR.
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