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ADRIA A Project: capitalisation event for transport-related projects of Italy-Slovenia CBC Programme 2007-2013 held in Trieste

Key stakeholders who joined projects under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 gathered in Trieste, on 31 March 2015, to attend the capitalisation event for transport-related projects.

The meeting, organised by the CEI in the framework of the ADRIA A project, consituted an opportunity to present best practices and outcomes of implemented projects as well as to put forward suggestions and project ideas to the Programme’s Managing Authority and Joint Technical Secretariat for the new programming period 2014-2020. The first calls are expected to be launched at the end of 2015.

Two workshops focused on two priority themes, i.e. accessibility and logistics and cross-border mobility. The final conclusions, jointly presented at the end of the event, underlined that for accessibility and logistics, cross-border cooperation played an essential role since transnational programmes might leave peripheral and cross-border areas behind. As for mobility, the harmonisation of national legislations was considered a priority within the next programming period.

In general, strong emphasis was given to the importance of elaborating result-oriented project proposals in all Thematic Objectives of the new programming period: innovation, low-carbon economy, natural and cultural heritage, governance.
  ADRIA A, led by the CEI, is funded under the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Italy – Slovenia 2007-2013. It aims at improving the accessibility and transport reorganisation in the entire cross-border area, in order to form an integrated Italian – Slovene metropolitan transport area. The project’s partnership embraces 26 partners, among which the Transport department of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Italian and Slovene Ministries of Transport and Environment, and the Veneto Region.

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