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For the fourth time, the Straniak Academy for Democracy and Human Rights in Ulcinj, Montenegro has welcomed students from CEI Member States in the Western Balkan region and other countries.

This year’s event, held on 4-17 September, offered high-quality academic education as well as a platform for networking and interdisciplinary exchange on European values for international experts and students.

A loan to a leading producer of children’s plastic toys in Belarus will introduce new energy efficient technologies to the local manufacturing sector. Following an energy efficiency audit funded by the CEI Fund at the EBRD contributed by Italy, the EBRD is extending a 10 million euro loan to PP Polesie JLLC (PP Polesie), a leading producer of children’s plastic toys in Belarus.
The 31st Vilenica International Literary Festival, organised by the Slovene Writers’ Association and the Vilenica Cultural Association from Sežana, took place on 6-11 September 2016, in various locations (Ljubljana, Sežana, Lipica, Maribor, Celje, Koper, Trboljve, Štanjel, Bilje, Lokev, Trieste, and the Vilenica Cave).
SULPITER (Sustainable Urban Logistics PlannIng To Enhance Regional freight transport) has been developed to support policy makers in improving their understanding of the Functional Urban Area freight phenomena in an energy and environmental perspective, enhancing their capacity in urban freight mobility planning in order to develop and adopt Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans – SULPs. This way, the project will contribute to the EC ambitious goal of CP2 free city logistics to be reached by 2030.

Tanja Bakić, born in 1981, is a Montenegrin poet, literary scholar and translator who writes on music. She graduated with an MA in English Language and Literature from the University of Montenegro. She is a member of Bloomsbury, one of the UK’s leading publishing houses. She was a speaker at the William Blake Colloquium at the world-renowned Tate Britain gallery in London, where she also held a poetry performance.
Graphsens project aims to develop new graphene-based hybrid sensors for the detection of various environmental pollutants as a research platform for the transfer of the best European practices from the Laboratory for Nanostructure Epitaxy and Spintronics on Silicon (L‑NESS), Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy, to the University of Novi Sad (UNS), Serbia.
Over the last years, the CEI has promoted several actions in support of sustainable energy and the development of bioeconomy within its area. It is actively involved in three FP7 projects, “S2BIOM”, “EBTP-SABS” and “Danube-INCO.NET”, with strong complementary objectives in the above-mentioned fields.

Over 60 final-year bachelor’s and post graduate students as well early-career professionals with basic knowledge in econometric methods, attended the Roundtable held in Skopje on 6 July aimed at increasing public awareness of and interest in the gender and motherhood wage gaps in Macedonia.

The official opening of the Mittelfest Festival - scheduled from 16 to 24 July - took place in Cividale del Friuli (Udine/Italy) on Saturday, 16 July 2016.
On 11-15 July, the MUN Slovenia Club (MUNSC), an NGO within the youth section of the United Nations Association of Slovenia, organised the MUNSC Salient 2016 edition at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana under the honorable patronage of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor.

Following the launch of the KEP AUSTRIA project on  “LCA – GHG emissions of RES production and utilization in Serbia – RESEnviro”, in February, the representatives from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences – BOKU, Austrian know-how provider and the Serbian recipient institution, the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University of Novi Sad  are successfully carrying out activities as planned.
Within its successful activity in the field of EU project management, the CEI Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) has launched a new initiative in support of accessible tourism, which represents a relevant opportunity for CEI Member States.

For the third time the annual event Fest Anča welcomed video game creators from Central and South Eastern Europe as part of the Game Days programme in Žilina, Slovakia on 1 - 2 July. Besides bringing together creative minds, professional creators and  aspiring game developers, the Fest Anča Game Days introduced the thriving games industry to the public.

The Adult Education Institution - Dante organised the international conference within the project "Yes to Easier Education and Employment for Sensitive Groups (YEEES)", in Rijeka, Croatia on 30 June – 2 July. Under the title “Adult Education and the Labour Market”, the event aimed at meeting the growing need for countering unemployment especially with regard to youth and women over 40.

A delegation of representatives of the Serbian Ministry of Mining and Energy, the Market Inspection of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, the National Petroleum Committee of Serbia and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Belgrade participated in a three-day peer review visit to the Czech Republic, in the framework of the project: „Capacity Building for an Improved Mineral Fuel Quality Monitoring (FQM) System – Transfer of Best Practices against Grey Economy (FUELPAGE) “.

“Reduce energy use and change habits (REACH)”  focuses on energy poverty abatement at practical and structural level through tailor-made policies and measures.
The final ceremony of the KEP ITALY project “Public Accountants Certification Training  - PACT II” was held in Skopje, Macedonia on 16 June 2016. The Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF) is concluding the 24-month project on “Public Accountants Certification Training in Macedonia” with the graduation ceremony and delivery of CIPFA diploma to successful students.

Over 120 persons from 25 countries, including 8 CEI Member States, namely Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine, attended the "First International Conference BelBI 2016" in Belgrade on 20-24 June.

The event, organised by the  Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Belgrade, offered the chance to highlight and debate various aspects of bioinformation systems.  

The “Leap forward with flexible and appropriate wastewater solutions in Moldova - WaterLEAP” project is implemented by the Moldovan know how recipient, the Basin Water Management Authority of Moldova and the Romanian donor institution,  the Business Development Group.
Around 50 participants from Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, the Macedonian Ministries of Local Self-Government and of Foreign Affairs and from the French Embassy took the floor at the two-day Seminar on 20-21 June 2016, organised by the ALDA Office in Skopje, the Association of Local Democracy  Agencies.
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