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New EU-funded project on regional freight transport development

SULPITER (Sustainable Urban Logistics PlannIng To Enhance Regional freight transport) has been developed to support policy makers in improving their understanding of the Functional Urban Area freight phenomena in an energy and environmental perspective, enhancing their capacity in urban freight mobility planning in order to develop and adopt Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans – SULPs. This way, the project will contribute to the EC ambitious goal of CP2 free city logistics to be reached by 2030.

The project intends to reduce carbon-footprint and improve the efficiency and competitiveness of freight transport in functional urban areas in Central Europe by shaping and improving urban freight policies of Central Europe cities, metropolitan contexts and regions. This will be done by incorporating the business needs of involved FUAs into local policies, by integrating cross-sectorial perspectives into urban freight mobility planning and by developing policies that consider the FUAs complex economic and freight transport relations between inner urban centres and its surrounding territories.

SULPITER will focus on several FUAs in Central Europe, namely Bologna, Budapest, Poznan, Brescia, Stuttgart, Maribor and Rijeka, whose authorities are involved in the project as fully-fledged partners. They will be assisted by local, regional and national non-partner authorities and technical partners to ensure improved and adopted policies for the future energy and environmental sustainability of freight transport.

The 36-month project is funded under the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme and started on 1 June 2016. The project is led by the Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation, which coordinates 14 partners from Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland, Germany and Croatia.

The CEI participates in the project as project partner, dealing with rolling out of results for low-carbon freight in CE FUAs and dissemination activities.



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