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The 2nd conference “Professional Standards in Media – Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities” took place In Novi Sad, Serbia on 8-10 December.
About 200 representatives of state organisations, business community and academia from the CEI countries as well as international financial organisations gathered in Minsk on 4 December to attend the CEI Business Forum held in the framework of the CEI Belarusian Presidency.
The event was organised by the State Committee on Standardization, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the National Centre for Marketing and Price Study and the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The Eastern Partnership Reflection Forum 2017 (EaP-RF) in Minsk, Belarus on 10 -12 December was organised by the Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe, the Minsk Dialogue Track-II Initiative and the Centre international de formation européenne. The event was held within the framework of the CEI Belarussian Presidency, in the run-up to the CEI Summit of Minsk (12 December 2017).

The Meeting of the Heads of Government of the 18 CEI Member States (CEI Summit) took place in Minsk on 12 December, back to back with the last CNC Meeting under the Belarusian CEI Presidency.
Young digital innovators from all over Europe, the winners of the European Youth Award (EYA), met in Graz, Austria on 29 November – 2 December to show and discuss their creative digital projects. Almost 300 international participants from business, science, and politics gathered and truly lived this Festival’s motto and became “United in Digital Creativity”.
Under the topic “Public discourse in Europe: Can media help to save democracy?” the 11th edition of the South East Europe Media Forum, held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 27-28 November, gathered more than 250 editors-in-chief, leading journalists, business professionals, civil society and academia as well as representatives of relevant international organisations and state institutions from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and beyond.
The international and interdisciplinary conference "Participatory Governance in Culture: Exploring Practices, Theories and Policies. DO IT TOGETHER" in Rijeka, Croatia on 22-24 November gathered more than 180 participants, researchers, theoreticians, cultural operators, artists, practitioners, activists, policymakers and decision-makers worldwide and from a broad range of disciplines.
The two-day international conference held in Skopje, Macedonia on 9-10 November centered around the topics of the SME Instrument and Horizon 2020. The event was opened by Natascia LAI from the Executive Agency for SMEs, European Commission, who presented the possibilities the programme offered to companies, explained what the Commission was looking for in an innovative project and what the future brought in terms of funding of innovative ideas.
The Meeting of the CEI-PD Parliamentary Assembly in Minsk on 28 November was held under the leadership of Irina Starovoitova, Chairperson of the CEI PD, and Head of the Parliamentary Delegation of Belarus and attended by national parliamentary delegations from Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania and Serbia. The participants witnessed an exchange of views on "Digital Technologies In Terms Of Ensuring Geopolitical Security".
The CEI and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), in special partnership with the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), have announced the winners of the “CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism 2017”:
Victor Mosneag in the section “Professional Journalists” and Yevheniia Motorevska in the section “Young
Professional Journalists”.
The testing phase of the Freight Quality Partnership (FQP) of the SULPiTER project (Sustainable Urban Logistics PlannIng To Enhance Regional freight transport) has officially started.

Under the guidance of the Regional Union of the Chamber of Commerce of Veneto, these new joint coordination tools – designed to define policies for urban freight distribution – will initially be assessed in seven European cities (i.e., Bologna, Budapest, Maribor, Poznan, Prescia, Rijeka and Stuttgart).

The expert conference on "Transport & Logistics - Optimization of the distribution of goods in the regions" took place in Opatija, Croatia on 9 November 2017. The event was organised by The Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE) and was attended by more than 85 participants from over eight European countries.

The COME-IN! project is proud to announce that the Archaeological Museum of Udine is the first museum of the consortium to have successfully adopted and applied the COME-IN! Guidelines for Accessible Museums and Exhibitions.
The first thematic conference of the COME-IN! project entitled "Inclusive museums - challenges and solutions" was held in Udine/Italy on 9 November. The gathering aimed at presenting COME-IN! achievements such as the COME-IN! guidelines to organise museums and exhibitions in an accessible way.

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità hosted the International conference “Problem Based e-Learning (PBe-L) as an innovative methodology for enhancing cooperation and transferring knowledge in emergency management on public health issues: a policy stakeholders conference” in Rome on 23 October.
The Festival Identity meeting took place on 26-28 October in the framework of the 21st Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival.
The event - gathering directors and programmers of documentary film festivals from all over Europe and beyond - included a  large number of CEI countries, offering a unique networking platform to share know-how and professional experiences.
The second Central European Women Farmer Gathering, organised by Serbian non-profit civil organisation “Ama – Centre for the Care of People and Nature“, took place in Vrmdža/Serbia on 18-20 October.
17 women farmers from Central Europe met for three days to share their experience.17 farms were presented in detail and 16 farm business models were defined and improved with future development opportunities.
The CEI Ministerial Conference on Science and Technology was held in Minsk on 26 October gathering representatives of 12 CEI member countries.
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