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The second phase of the Know-how Exchange Programme Project “Support for Strengthening Energy Regulatory Authorities in the Western Balkans” held during 2019, ended yesterday with the last out of four capacity-building technical seminars and a closing ceremony. 

On 27 November, the Mayor of Trieste, Roberto Dipiazza, conferred the Sigillo Trecentesco del Comune di Trieste on Ambassador Giovanni Caracciolo di Vietri, former CEI Secretary General from 2013 to 2018.
On 26 November, experts in anti-corruption from CEI Member States, students and experts in the field, including CEI Secretary General, Roberto Antonione gathered at the LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome for the conference on anti-corruption Curbing corruption: learning from the decade behind us and looking into the decade ahead.
"On behalf of the CEI, I wish to express my heartfelt condolences to the people and authorities of Albania, in the wake of the devastating earthquake that has struck the country today, causing casualties and sorrow." – SG Roberto Antonione

On 22 November, the final exercise at sea of the NAMIRG project took place in the Port of Pula, Croatia.

On 12-14 November, the Albanian Development Fund organised and hosted the 5th Steering Committee Meeting and 6th Cross-Field Visit of the BLUE_BOOST project in Albania.
Around 150 participants from public institutions, enterprises, banks, the European Commission and experts from CEI Member States, gathered in Milan on 15 November for the CEI Business and Experts Forum “Infrastructural and multimodal connectivity as factor of development and integration”.

In the framework of the Italian CEI Presidency, the Parliamentary Assembly of the CEI Parliamentary Dimension was held in Roma on 7-8 November.

Today, on 11 November, the Mayor of Trieste, Roberto Dipiazza, paid his first official visit to the Executive Secretariat.

On 4 November, the Atlas of the Friuli Mountains was presented to the press in Udine, Italy as one of the main achievements resulting from the pilot action implemented by the CEI-Executive Secretariat in the Carnia and Cadore mountain areas, in the framework of the SENTINEL project.
Over 250 participants representing editors-in-chief, leading journalists, business professionals, civil society and academia from the CEI region and beyond as well as representatives of international organisations and state institutions gathered in Zagreb, Croatia, on 4-5 November for the South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF). 
The CEI and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) have announced the winners of the “CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism 2019”: Ermin Zatega (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Mubarek Asani (North Macedonia) in the section “Professional Journalists” and Arlis Alikaj (Albania) in the section “Young Professional Journalists”.
On 31 October, the CEI-Executive Secretariat in Trieste hosted a workshop in the framework of the Interreg Central Europe project CONNECT2CE and the Interreg ADRION project Inter-Connect focusing on identifying strategic priorities to improve inland and maritime cross-border intermodal connectivity.
In the framework of the Advanced On-the-Job Training Programme for Young Professionals from CEI Member States, the CEI is offering three fellowships of 1,650.00 EUR per month for a duration of 12 months.
In the framework of the INNOVA.RISKS Project, a Moldovan delegation (know-how recipient) went on a study visit to Italy on 23-26 October.
The Festival Identity meeting took place on 26-28 October 2019 in the framework of the 23rd Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival.
The 10th CEI Regional Forum for Health, Wellness & Spa Industry held in Belgrade (Serbia) on 22 October aimed at safeguarding cultural heritage, cultural tourism and development of wellness tourism based on spa heritage and tradition. The mission of the event was to promote sustainable development of wellness and spa tourism by providing know-how transfer based on latest trends and best practice examples.
Under the title "1989-2019 the awakening of the Mitteleuropa, nostalgia for the future", the 15th edition of the Forum held on 18 October in Udine, witnessed the participation of diplomatic and institutional representatives from 14 Central and Eastern European and Balkan countries as well as of representatives from regional/local institutions and academia.
In the framework of the 13th Symposium “Novel Technologies and economic development”, the final event of the SAFEMEAT project was organised in Leskovac (Serbia) on 18 October by the Faculty of Technology in Leskovac, University of Niš, Serbia.
The international “Crossing Borders” conference - held in Maribor, Slovenia on 14-16 October witnessed a wide range of presentations and lectures about: audience development strategies, approaches to increase attendance in theatres and examples of good practice case studies.
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