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The Ministers of Foreign Affairs and High-level representatives of the CEI Member States converged in an e-meeting on 24 September to take stock of the latest developments in the CEI region following the COVID-19 pandemic, as we step into the transition to a “new normal”.

Increasing coordination on measures for safe school reopening was the main topic tackled during an e-meeting held in the framework of the CEI-WHO Joint Task Force (TF), on 9 September.

Yasen Vasilev, a 32-year old Bulgarian writer educated in theater academies in Sofia and Shanghai was awarded the CEI Fellowship for Writers in Residence 2020 in an online ceremony on 9 September.

The requests submitted in June by ICARUS (Intermodal Connections in Adriatic-Ionian Region to Upgrowth Seamless solutions for passenger) and MIMOSA (Maritime and multimodal sustainable passenger transport solutions and services) to become EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) labelled projects, have been successfully accepted.
Yesterday the CEI-Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) chaired the kick-off meeting and first steering committee meeting of the newly launched MIMOSA (Maritime and multimodal sustainable passenger transport solutions and services).

The CEI and the WHO converged in an e-meeting focused on the key theme of the European Programme of Work of the WHO Regional Office for Europe United Action for Better Health (EPW), on 15 July.

The Central European Initiative is glad to announce and extend its congratulations to the following awarded proposals submitted in the framework of the COVID-19 Extraordinary Call for Proposals.
The CEI-WHO Joint Task Force remains dedicated to following the COVID-19 situation and evaluating the transition criteria CEI-wide. Under this perspective, the third and fourth designated e-meetings, which took place on 10 June and 24 June respectively, delved into thematic sessions touching upon the WHO health emergency program, the transition criteria, and surveillance systems. 
In the framework of the FORTIS project on 17-18 June, the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia organised an online workshop on the harmonisation of administrative procedures between Italy and Slovenia in the fields of vehicle registration, licensing and emergency management.
If you work in the field of Justice, Law Enforcement, Prisons, and Investigations, we kindly encourage you to share your experience with us by answering our survey (completely anonymous) designed in the framework of the EU project PRE-RIGHTS. It aims at gathering deeper insight into practitioners’ perspectives, regarding the enforcement of preventive measures in case of radicalisation and violent extremism leading to terrorism.
The National Coordinators have recently approved six new Technical Cooperation Projects (TCs), to be funded under the CEI Fund at the EBRD, entirely financed by the Italian Government. The approved projects have an overall value of 943,290 EUR, with an expected related investment amounting to 293.4 million EUR.
The CEI-led project CONNECT2CE “Improved rail connections and smart mobility in Central Europe” concluded in a virtual conference held on 28 May.
Following the Final Conference of the Interreg Central Europe SENTINEL project on 19 May, the CEI – Executive Secretariat held a virtual stakeholders’ meeting yesterday, showing the sustainability of the project.
The health experts engaged in the joint CEI-WHO Task Force meeting held on May 20 discussed the latest information on the development of COVID-19 outbreak in the CEI region and tabled options to bring it under control in the transition phase.
The Project MIMOSA (MarItime and MultimOdal Sustainable pAssenger transport solutions and services) - led by the CEI-ES in cooperation with 17 other project partners from Italy and Croatia - has recently been approved under the Interreg Italy-Croatia CBC Programme strategic call.
The CEI Heads of Government held an Extraordinary Virtual Meeting to address the COVID-19 emergency on 15 May chaired by Duško Marković, Prime Minister of Montenegro. Opening statements were also delivered by Roberto Antonione, CEI Secretary General, and Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe.

The second meeting of the Committee of National Coordinators (CNC) under the CEI Montenegrin Presidency was virtually held on 8 May.

The CEI- Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) and the WHO Regional Office for Europe have joined efforts by setting up a functioning Task Force composed of key health officials from CEI Member States to respond to the COVID-19.
The Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi met with SG Roberto Antonione in a conference call on 24 April, in order to exchange views on activities of joint interest with a special focus on the response to COVID-19, including possible concerted actions.
Around 150 people from different countries had the chance to exchange ideas and suggest recommendations on the bioeconomy strategy as well as provide inputs on related action plans during the second of a series of four webinars on “Shaping Innovation Ecosystem for the Bioeconomy”.
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