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MIMOSA: new cross-border project led by CEI-ES approved

The Project MIMOSA (MarItime and MultimOdal Sustainable pAssenger transport solutions and services) - submitted for approval in November 2019 under the Interreg Italy-Croatia CBC Programme strategic call - was formally approved on 24 April. 

The CEI-Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES,) acting as Lead Partner, in cooperation with 17 other project partners from Italy and Croatia, is currently working on meeting the conditions posed by the Programme for the signature of the Subsidy Contract.

MIMOSA aims at improving the offer of multimodal sustainable passengers’ transport solutions and services, by promoting a new cross-border approach for passenger mobility in the Programme area. This will be achieved through a range of multimodal solutions, innovative smart tools and technologies.

Currently, connections between Croatia and Italy show bottlenecks and lack of quality and people self-organise for travelling from one country to the other. The area is mainly served by road transport on land-bound routes and by limited connections to the hinterland. There is a strong need to reduce the environmental impact of transport activities by increasing multimodality as well as to shift to most appropriate environmentally-friendly modes of transport. This way, citizens and tourists would have access to a wider offer of mobility-sustainable options, based on transport demand and passenger habits and needs.

The 34-month project will be implemented with a total budget of EUR 7,140,000.00.

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