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The CEI co-funded 93rd International Session of the European Youth Parliament (EYP) was concluded on Sunday, 10 July. This first hybrid session was held at the College of Europe (Natolin Campus) and brought together decision-makers, representatives from NGOs, institutions, and young people to discuss the future of Europe.

In the framework of the TAAFE -Towards an Alpine Age-Friendly Environment project, the Central European Initiative Executive Secretariat participated in the virtual Transnational Conference on June 16th, aimed at promoting age-friendly environments to national and international stakeholders in the Alpine Space and discuss the chal

Public and private institutions registered in a CEI Member State, as well as international and regional organisations, are invited to apply to the CEI Cooperation Fund for innovative actions favouring mobility and networking.

We need constructive dialogue, solidarity and re-engagement to address the challenges and the European perspective of the region.

The Parliamentary Committee of the CEI Parliamentary Dimension met on 15 June for an online meeting under the title “Promotion of equality and solidarity mechanisms in health care”.

The CEI-funded forum organised by the cluster of health, wellness and tourism this year took place in a hybrid mode (in Belgrade and online) on 15 April.

The CEI has recently participated in the WHO-led ministerial and expert subregional meeting on health and well-being in the Western Balkans.

The six-month project funded through the CEI Extraordinary Call launched in response to the COVID-19, aimed at facilitating and adjusting telemedicine in 5 care centres in Moldova.

The second meeting of the Committee of National Coordinators (CNC) under the CEI Montenegrin Presidency 2021 was virtually held on 27 May. The gathering witnessed the participation of representatives of the European Commission and of the European Parliament in order to explore possible avenues for cooperation. 

The best ideas submitted by the schools in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy) and the City of Trieste under the first edition of Call for Ideas ‘Active young citizen for sustainable development in CEI and AII areas' were officially announced during the award ceremony in Trieste on 24 May. 
The three winning schools in Albania, Croatia and Hungary were officially announced at the award ceremony at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) on 19 May.

The second of the three conferences under the CEI post-Covid Economic Recovery Dialogue Forum was successfully held on 29 April. The event was organised by the CEI-Executive Secretariat in partnership with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB).

We are glad to announce the Call for Proposals for the CEI Know‐how Exchange Programme (KEP), a development instrument aimed at supporting the transfer of expertise from organisations in the EU to peers in the non‐EU countries within the CEI region.

On 26-27 April, the CEI-Executive Secretariat Delegation paid a visit to Podgorica in the framework of the Montenegrin CEI Presidency.  

The Hungarian Chairmanship of the CEI Parliamentary Dimension (PD) General Committee on Cultural Affairs organised a meeting on 21 April, hosted by the Hungarian National Assembly with remote participation of Parliamentary Delegations of CEI Member States.

What can governments do to make the economic policy more crisis resilient? The CEI-Executive Secretariat, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Montenegrin CEI Presidency recently held an online Chief Economists’ Forum that revolved around this question.

On 24 march, the CEI-Executive Secretariat and the Montenegrin CEI Presidency jointly organised an online event, “SDGs Decade of Action – Exchange of Experiences, Best Practices and Current Challenges in SDGs implementation, Role of Regional Cooperation and Partnerships”.

The initiative of the Bulgarian Society of Group Analysis and Group Processes has set up a virtual outpatient clinic for free emergency psychotherapy and emotional support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ICARUS Project has set up a training programme - the Enlarged Transfer Programme (ETP) -  in order to give non-partner institutions the chance to get insights and specific training on mobility issues.
The partners of the FORTIS project have recently finalised a study examining public passenger transport and intermodality in the cross-border area between Italy and Slovenia.
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