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CEI supports the OSCE YDEAS Project

In the framework of the pilot project YDEAS (Young Developers and Entrepreneurs to Advance Start-ups in the Western Balkans), the Italian 2018 OSCE Chairmanship sponsored a Scholarship Programme which allowed 18 young people from the Western Balkans to attend the European Innovation Academy 2018, which took place in Turin, Italy between 8 and 27 July. The selected candidates had the opportunity to experience a multicultural environment with professionals and mentors from the world’s top institutions, including business leaders from America, Europe and Asia, to help talents emerge and make a difference in the society. 

The YDEAS project aims to improve entrepreneurial and innovation-intensive skills of youth in the Western Balkans, providing quality education opportunity, including networking and follow-up mentoring, with a view to contributing to human capital development and job creation in the region.

The programme was co-funded by the CEI Cooperation Fund.

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