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Danube-INCO.NET on fostering bioeconomy in the Danube Region

In the framework of the project Danube-INCO.NET, the workshop “Fostering Bioeconomy in the Danube Region” was organised at the CEI premises on 19 May.

A restricted group of project partners and experts in the field of bioeconomy gathered to discuss the main lessons learned through the implementation of two Danube-INCO.NET Pilot Activities, entitled respectively: “Towards a Danube bioeconomy RTI strategy for appropriate regional added value Chains” and “Building a Bioeconomy Research and Advocacy Network in the Danube Region (DANUBIONET)”.

With the final goal to combine the outcomes of the above-mentioned Pilot Activities, participants discussed a set of ten draft recommendations for the development of bioeconomy in the Danube Region, proposed by the CEI in its capacity of leader of WP3 “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in a Bio-based Economy”.

Recommendations cover a broad spectrum of aspects, stemming from governance to finance, from research to innovation and civil society engagement. In particular, they highlight the importance of promoting a comprehensive, inter-disciplinary approach as a pre-condition for making full use of the widely acknowledged biomass potential existing in the Danube Region.

Thanks to the inputs collected during the interactive workshop, the above-mentioned recommendations will be fine-tuned by the WP leader in the coming weeks, and circulated among additional bioeconomy experts for further validation. Once finalised, they may provide a starting point for the future elaboration of a Danube Region transnational concept on bioeconomy, which could be nurtured in the framework of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). In this regard, participants warmly welcomed the support expressed by Dragica Karajic, EUSDR PA8 co-coordinator. Indeed, the involvement of PA8 is paramount to sustain - and build upon the outcomes of - bioeconomy-related activities initiated by Danube-INCO.NET in the last couple of years. 
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