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​Conference on “What holds the future for Europe’s migration and asylum?” held in Belgrade

The conference under the title “What holds the future for Europe’s migration and asylum?” took place in Belgrade on 2-3 March. The event was organised in the framework of the Project “SIMPLE migration practice. Sharing best knowledge and EU practice on integration of migrants and existing challenges in Balkan countries. Belgrade (Serbia)”. It brought together more than 30 experts from non-governmental and governmental organisations from 14 CEI Member States strongly affected by the ongoing "refugee crisis".

The meeting timely represented an excellent platform for discussing the development of the tangible migration integration challenges, policies and practices. It also constituted an opportunity for exchanging experiences, best practices and lessons learned from the field in their respective countries. Special focus was put on interaction and integration models and favourable practices from Italy and Austria.
The conference, which was co-funded by the CEI Cooperation Fund, focused on 5 panel discussions covering the following topics:

Panel 1: Future of the Common European Asylum System and Migration Policies
Panel 2: New roles for EASO and FRONTEX
Panel 3: Western Balkans Route and Italy: State of play in handling the refugee crisis
Panel 4: Solidarity in Crisis
Panel 5: Challenges of integration into European societies

The comprehensive press release issued by the organisers is available here

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