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Cooperation Fund: CEI Summer School on managing diversities held in Santa Sofia, Italy

The CEUB University Residential Center of Bertinoro in Santa Sofia, Italy, hosted the 21st CEI International Summer School ”Managing Diversities in Democracy: Minorities, Territories, Self- Determination” on 1-13 September 2015.
The CEI Summer School established in 1995 is the result of a longstanding cooperation between the CEI, the University of Bologna and the Institute for Eastern Central and Balkan Europe (IECOB) and enjoys a widely recognised international reputation.
Its 21st edition, coordinated by Prof. Stefano Bianchini and Prof. Francesco Privitera, was attended by 29 students from 11 countries including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic , Italy,  Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. A set of lectures, round tables and workshops was held by a pool of over 27 professors and guest lecturers, selected with the aim of fostering a highly interdisciplinary approach.
Implementation of Self-Determination, the principle of territorial integrity and minority rights policies were some of the topics addressed. Issues such as challenges faced by the European and Nation state governance in relation to enlargement and integration policies, multi-ethnic societies and diversity management strategies were also discussed. The international conference ‘’Envisioning Moving Frontiers. Ukraine and Balkans: Cultural and Political Perspectives on the 'Other' Europe’’ coordinated by the Department of Political and Social Studies, University of Bologna was organised in the framework of the School as well.
This year’s edition was developed in close collaboration with the European Regional Master’s in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA), based on a network of 10 universities of South Eastern Europe and the EU
This event was co-financed through the CEI Cooperation Fund.
  *** The CEI Cooperation Fund, to which all the Member States contribute co-finances Cooperation Activities - projects of small scale and limited duration - which mainly take the form of seminars, workshops, short training courses or other kinds of meetings.



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