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CEI co-finances EU project for Roma mediation and integration

The CEI is supporting the Serbian NGO “Radovi U Toku” in implementing the Mediation4Roma project, co-funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme.
The project aims at empowering the Roma community through a European Roma mediation framework. The implementation of a Vocational Education and Training (VET) certification for Roma Mediators is expected to recognise professions according to their features and needs.
The Mediation4Roma project will promote a standardised certifiable curriculum for Roma mediators in all partner countries through e-learning training facilities. The e-learning VET solution will improve Roma people’s access to digital literacy as well as adapt their skills to new mediation challenges, thus rendering them more employable in the SMART economy. A pilot Mediation4Roma training will prepare and certify a national contact person per partner country, who in turn will reach at least 125 Roma mediators in each country. This training strategy is expected to reach at least 1000 end users from the organisations involved in the project.
Mediation4Roma is aligned with the objectives of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies 2020 and with both the CEI Plan of Action 2014-2016 and the CEI Instrument for the protection of minority rights.
The project’s partnership is composed of NGOs from Serbia, Romania, Italy, Spain and Belgium.

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