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NAMIRS getting closer to developing tangible strategy to safeguard North Adriatic bio-region

The Steering Committee of the project NAMIRS - North A driatic Maritime Incident Response System convened in Zagreb on 26 September to present the activities’ progress and fine-tune their work for the trainings and activities scheduled for this autumn.

The finalisation of the guidelines for a new plan of mutual assistance between Italy, Slovenia and Croatia in case of oil spills in the North Adriatic Sea was at the heart of the debate. Smooth cooperation and prompt action are of utmost importance in a small area where a potential accident may affect the economies of three countries and the entire ecosystem of the basin.

This is why partners are working hard and diligently to develop common protocols for intervention, the so-called Standard Operating Procedures that will be tested with an exercise at sea in November.

Regional organisations such as REMPEC and other countries facing the Adriatic, are showing a growing interest in the project as they may be able to draw from the lessons learned from the partnership to advance their own subregional protocols and cooperation initiatives.

Project partners will have the opportunity to present their work during the Barcolana Sea Summit, in a very special session that will engage authorities from the three countries in a roundtable discussion with Prof. Jeremy Rifkin.

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