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CEI-supported Ukrainian Education Hub in Poland expands its services thanks to UNICEF project

The Ukrainian Education Hub in Poland, which provides free online and offline training activities to Ukrainian refugees who had to move to Poland due to the war, has launched a large-scale social project called "Lessons for life”. It is supported by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Poland, Warsaw City Hall, Pro Futuro Foundation and the Association of Innovative and Digital Education.

The activities - addressed to Ukrainian students (aged 12-16) and teachers - include training opportunities in financial and computer literacy, career guidance, emotional intelligence, communication, time management and other soft skills.

A presentation of the UNICEF project was held in Warsaw on 2 December with the participation of Vitrenko Andrii, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine (online); Vitalii Bilyi, First Secretary of the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland; Karolina Zdrodowska, Head Coordinator for Entrepreneurship and Social Dialogue of the City Hall of Warsaw; Francesco Calcagno, Chief of Education in UNICEF Emergency Response Office in Poland; Anna Adamczyk, Project Manager of the Visegrad Fund; Barbara Fabro, CEI Senior Executive Officer.

Mariya Boguslav, Executive Director of the Association of Innovative and Digital Education, and coordinator of the Ukrainian Education Hub, provided some highlights on the activities of the Hub since its opening and the perspectives of development, also considering the increasing demand from the Ukrainians refugees. She also underlined that thanks to the initial CEI contribution, the Hub could start its operations (2.264 people attended 66 training activities in July-October 2022) and could progressively expand its partnerships and activities. 

Since the beginning, when the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine submitted a request for support, the CEI has welcomed the mission of the project, that is providing assistance to Ukraine affected by a huge emergency due to the war. A contribution from the CEI Cooperation Fund was approved for the launching of the Ukrainian Education Hub in Poland, a CEI member country with a great number of Ukrainian refugees, in view of further developing the project in other countries with additional donors and partners.

More info:

Read also PRESS RELEASE 👇 

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