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South East Europe Programme: Annual Conference in Sofia

On 12 May 2011, the CEI attended the Annual Conference of the South East Europe Programme in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The event was an opportunity to present the developments of the Programme along the lines of the EU policy for regional development. Together with almost 300 attendees, the CEI participated as Lead Partner in the Project on  South-East European Transport Axis Cooperation (SEETAC) with the aim to learn about the development of the EU strategy in the region, meet potential partners and discuss new project ideas.

Among other high-level speakers, an EC representative gave an overview of the EC perspective and policy that could influence the future of the Programme, such as the Danube Strategy,  sharing a large number of countries with the Programme.

The results of an evaluation of the Programme were also presented, demonstrating once more the importance cooperation has in this region.

The CEI intends to develop more projects in this area of Europe.   For more information:

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