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Priorities of Bulgarian Presidency: postpandemic recovery, connectivity, youth and local dimension

The 1st Committee of National Coordinators Meeting under the Bulgarian CEI Presidency was held in Trieste on 23 February.

Ms. Irena Dimitrova, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, opened the meeting, expressing her country’s commitment to regional cooperation, and thus to the CEI as an efficient instrument in this endeavour. She also underlined Bulgaria’s commitment to providing a follow-up to many of the topics covered by the Montenegrin CEI Presidency 2021, in order to assure continuity.

In this regard, she outlined the main priorities and programme of events envisaged for this year, namely focused on economic and social recovery from the pandemic; enhanced connectivity; on furthering the CEI’s local dimension; and on advancing the CEI youth agenda.

The CNC also took note of the intention of the Presidency to hold numerous events and activities, the traditional ones such as the MFA Meeting and the Summit, those linked to the Parliamentary, Economic and Local Dimensions, as well as those focused on the established priorities, planned to be held in cooperation with various Bulgarian institutions and other partners.

The CEI - Executive Secretariat, among other things, briefed participants on current and upcoming events and activities and projects as well as on the outcome of the Call of the CEI Cooperation Fund

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