In the framework of the CEI Know How Exchange Programme (KEP) project for strengthening Energy Regulatory Authorities in the Western Balkans, on 29 March 2019, the CEI-Executive Secretariat hosted the first technical seminar aimed at sharing best practices and knowledge of EU procedures.
The general objective of the project, co-financed by the CEI Fund at the EBRD (contributed by Italy), is to promote the integration between the European and the Balkan regional electricity market by strengthening the capacities of AERS, ERE and RAE (the Energy regulatory Agencies of Serbia, Albania and Montenegro respectively) to manage the process of market coupling between their national electricity markets and with the Italian electricity market - in accordance with EU best practices. The Autorità di Regolazione per Energia, Reti e Ambiente (ARERA) in cooperation with TERNA Spa, Gestore dei Mercati Energetici (GME) and with the support of the Istituto per la Competitività (I-COM) are the knowledge providers and implementers of the project.
A first capacity-building project was financed by the CEI Fund at the EBRD in 2018 and successfully implemented. This is the second phase of the same project, which promotes new activities focused on tangible measures that the Energy regulatory Agencies of Serbia, Albania and Montenegro will have to undertake to align their regulations to the EU, thus making a further step towards European integration.
By the end of the project, each beneficiary is expected to be able to assess the proposals of market integration design, cooperation agreement and operation agreement; suggest amendments to the proposals, if needed, and approve them; understand how to implement and enforce Terms and Conditions or Methodologies foreseen by Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) and Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA) Regulations and start the early implementation process of these regulations in their jurisdictions.
The Know-how Exchange Programme (KEP) is an instrument supporting projects and programmes focused on the transfer of know-how and best practices from EU to non-EU CEI Member States. It benefits from the financial support of the CEI Fund at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) totally financed by the Italian Government.