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Maria Theresa’s 300th birthday in 2017: round table and reading in Trieste

On 13 May, the Central European Initiative celebrated in Trieste the 300 years after the birth of Maria Theresa of Austria.
In cooperation with the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, the roundtable discussion - chaired by Tommaso Cerno, Director of L’Espresso, and attended by 120 representatives of public authorities, academic and research institutions, private companies and citizens - focused on the role the Empress had in the development of the city of Trieste. The meeting aimed at creating an opportunity to reflect upon her heritage and spirit as a model for a further development of the city of Trieste as well as the Central European and Balkan areas.

Ambassador Caracciolo mentioned the Western Balkans Summit 2017 taking place in Trieste in July, as an example of the heritage of Maria Theresa and of the important role the city could still play in the path towards European Integration.
The event was followed by a public reading on Maria Theresa by Paolo Mieli, witnessing the participation of 1000 representatives.


Public reading by Paolo Mieli


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