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Danube-INCO.NET: 1st open innovation workshop held in Budapest

The 1st DANUBIONET open innovation workshop for a collaborative development of pioneering solutions in the field of Bioeconomy was held in Budapest on 6 October. The event took place back-to-back with the 14th European Rural Development Network conference organised by the Hungarian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI). The gathering - organised by the CEI and  PANNON Pro Innovations Ltd. in the framework of the Danube-Inco.Net project - witnessed the participation of 13 bio economy experts from 6 countries of the Danube Region. Their aim was to jointly elaborate on approaches to promote the use of sewage-sludge based products in agriculture. 
  • Full press release available here
The 2nd open innovation workshop is taking place in Timisoara on 25 October, in cooperation with the Hungarian Biogas Association, Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Timişoara, the Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster (ROSENC) and the Archenerg Cluster from Szeged.



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