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​Networking Meeting with International Organisations operating in CEI area takes place in Vienna

The Networking Meeting with International Organisations operating in the CEI area was held after the 3rd CNC Meeting in Vienna on 30 May.
Amb. Michael Linhart, Secretary-General of the Austrian Foreign Ministry opened the event which started with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the International Centre for Migration Policy Development  (ICMPD) and the CEI. Both institutions have their regional focus on the Western Balkan countries and will strengthen their cooperation regarding migration issues.

The gathering - aimed at strengthening the CEI’s relations with these Institutions - witnessed the participation of prominent representatives of international organisations covering topics such as Migration & Anti-Corruption as well as Energy & Connectivity, who had the chance to exchange views during two panels respectively.

The first panel concentrated on how to tackle the challenges in the field of migration and human rights and on identifying links to the topic of anti-corruption as well as possibilities for closer cooperation between regional and international organisations in these fields. The second panel focused on developments on the energy market in Central Europe and its potential. Equally, the concept of cross-border connectivity, such as infrastructure and subsequent business opportunities, as a way of improving links within the Western Balkans and with the European Union was also addressed in this panel.
  • Press release of Austrian MFA available here
  • Programme of the meeting available here
  • List of participants available here
  • Photo gallery available here
from left: ICMPD SG, Michael Spindelegger and CEI SG, Giovanni Caracciolo di Vietri while signing MoU


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