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​OSCE Secretary General pays visit to CEI

OSCE Secretary General, Amb. Lamberto Zannier visited the CEI Secretariat in Trieste on 5 May 2016. On that occasion both Amb. Zannier and CEI Secretary General, Amb. Giovanni Caracciolo di Vietri highlighted the usefulness of regular contacts and staff consultations between the two organisations and expressed their commitment to continuing with the solid and long-lasting OSCE-CEI cooperation.

The aim of the visit was to explore opportunities for establishing a more practical and result-oriented cooperation focused on thematic areas of interest to Eastern and South Eastern Europe, i.e. good governance, youth exchange and connectivity with focus on energy. Indeed, cooperation on three joint projects in these areas was endorsed and will be tackled further by both organisations. Contacts will be pursued at expert level.
Enhancing its relations with the OSCE is of strategic importance to the CEI. Stepping up cooperation is also very timely in such difficult and important times for Europe and the Region the CEI is covering. The migration crisis in particular calls for more cooperation, synergies and interaction among the institutions. In this regard, it was noted that in the final declaration of the Vienna Western Balkans Summit in August 2015, in the framework of the “Berlin Process”, the participants pledged to make full use of the OSCE and the CEI with a view to promoting regional cooperation and integration.

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