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CEI at South East Europe Annual Event in Bucharest

The South East Europe Programme (SEE) Annual Event 2013 took place on 19 June, 2013 in Bucharest, Romania with the aim to sum up SEE achievements for the period 2007-2013 in view of the new Programmes in the area.

The first session focused on main macro-regional strategies and policies as the basis for the development of the Programmes: the Danube Strategy for the Danube Programme and Adriatic-Ionian Strategy for the South East Gateway.

Mr. Andrea Vitolo, CEI Deputy National Coordinator from the Italian MFA spoke on behalf of the Italian National Contact Point for the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region presenting some of the main features of the strategy as a basis for transnational cooperation.

The CEI was invited as Pole Leader and led the discussions of  the largest Thematic Working Group on Multimodal Accessibility to Primary Networks. The aim was to continue establishing synergies and cooperation (exchange of results, capitalisation, development of future partnerships), based on past achievements, where three projects were presented by the CEI: ACROSSEE,  SEETAC and ATTAC. The CEI will draft a Road Map on Multimodal Accessibility to Primary Networks in cooperation with participating partners.

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