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Consultations in Budapest in View of Hungarian CEI Presidency 2013

Upon the invitation of the Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Janos Martonyi, CEI Secretary General Gerhard Pfanzelter paid a working visit to Budapest on 2 October 2012.

Hungary, a founding member of the Central European Initiative (CEI), is taking over the Presidency in 2013. The visit offered the opportunity for a preliminary exchange of views on the objectives and priorities of the Hungarian Presidency.
Minister Martonyi confirmed Hungary’s commitment to the CEI underlining its key role in promoting political dialogue, especially in relation to the EU enlargement. In July 2013, Hungary will also be holding the Presidency of the Visegrad Group, an opportunity in terms of synergies and mutual cooperation between the two Organizations.

Ambassador Pfanzelter highlighted Hungary’s strong record as a very active member of the CEI and expressed full confidence in a successful cooperation. After his meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Hungary, the Secretary General was invited by Deputy State Secretary, Gergely Prohle to a working lunch together with CEI National Coordinator of Hungary, Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi.

For more information:

From left: Amb Pfanzelter and Min. Martonyi (photo: Gergely Botár)

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