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CEI Parliamentary Assembly Meets in Kyiv for its Annual Gathering

The meeting of the CEI Parliamentary Assembly, under the title “The Transportation Infrastructure Improvement as an Effective Tool for Intensifying Interaction Among CEI Countries”, was held on 26-28 September 2012 at the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in Kyiv, under the Ukrainian Presidency.

The session was chaired by Valeriy Kamchatnyi, President of the CEI Parliamentary Dimension. In his welcome speech, Adam Martyniuk, First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, stressed that - as a forum of regional cooperation uniting 18 States of Central, South Eastern and Eastern Europe - the CEI had become a stable platform for exchange of experiences and for uniting efforts in democracy building.

CEI Deputy Secretary General, Zoran Jovanovic, pointed out that the transport sector played a key role among CEI’s operations. He also stressed that an efficient transport sector was crucial for regional market operations and for integrating national economies.

In the unanimously adopted Final Declaration, CEI Parliamentarians expressed their commitment to promoting political, operational and communication measures supporting efforts of their governments in transport infrastructure development.

On that occasion, the meetings of the three General Committees - on Political and Home Affairs, on Cultural Affairs and on Economic Affairs - were also held in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

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