Several Heads of State and Government, Ministers and Deputy Ministers, High Officials, outstanding personalities, prominent businessmen from everywhere in the world – but especially from Europe, Central Asia and Africa – took part in the annual Crans Montana Forum, held this year in Baku, Azerbaijan, on 28-29 June 2012 upon invitation of the President Ilham Aliyev. Over 700 delegates analysed the strategic topic “Which Energy for Which World”, from different angles: energy independence, interdependence and world affairs; transportation strategies; the impact of regional conflicts on energy policies; renewables and energy security; current challenges and prospects on energy issues; fighting energy poverty; implementing energy efficiency; arbitrating among the possible renewables. The participants discussed in an open-minded, relaxed and friendly atmosphere, in absence of journalists who were not invited according to a consolidated tradition of the Crans Montana Foundation. Several political leaders from CEI member countries attended the event, such as, Gjorge Ivanov, President of the Republic of Macedonia; Filip Vujanović, President of the Republic of Montenegro; Stjepan Mesić, former President of Croatia; Ion Iliescu, former President of Romania; Peter Medgyssy former Prime Minister of Hungary; Erdal Trhulj, Minister of Energy, Mining & Industry of Bosnia-Herzegovina; Neritan Alibali, Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade & Energy of Albania. Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, played an important role in the session on “Shaping a New Global Agenda for a Rapidly Changing World. Energy security for All: Fighting Energy Poverty”. Similarly, Anita Orban, Hungarian Ambassador for Energy Security and Priority Area Coordinator for Energy of the EU Danube Strategy, was very effective in the concluding session. CEI Alternate Secretary General, Giorgio Rosso Cicogna, was invited to speak on Next Generation Biofuels and on CEI promotion activities in this field, based on the recently published Report on “Next Generation Biofuels and Other Bioproducts: Opportunities for Countries of the Central European Initiative”, that the CEI has commissioned to Bloomberg – New Energy Finance on the related prospects for its 18 Member States.