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ATTAC Project: 3rd Transnational Working Group Meeting in Bologna

The 3rd Transnational Working Group meeting of the project “Attractive Urban Public Transport for Accessible Cities (ATTAC)” project took place in Bologna, Italy, on 27-28 June, hosted by the Institute of Transport and Logistics. 
The gathering  aimed at  analysing the main results achieved by the ATTAC consortium so far. In particular, the CEI as Leader of the Work Package “Extended Transfer Programme to Wider SEE Space” presented the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) instrument and the main results of the mapping of South East European cities. Thanks to its experience in managing EU-funded projects, the CEI is promoting the EGTC instrument among the cities and regions involved in the project. 

The overall objective of the ATTAC project is to improve the coordination in promoting, planning and operating urban public transport networks in order to better integrate ATTAC cities and regions into the South East Europe transport backbone and to reduce bottlenecks in European transport corridors. Various cities and regional governments of the SEE area are involved under the leadership of Miskolc Holding Plc, transport provider of the city of Miskolc, Hungary: from Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece to Bulgaria.

The event was organised back-to-back with the South East Europe Programme Annual Event, on 29 June in Bologna. The ATTAC project had a dedicated stand in the SEE projects’ fair and had the opportunity to disseminate its results among the numerous participants to the SEE event.

ATTAC is funded under the South East Europe Programme and officially started on 1 January 2011 and will last until 31 December 2013 for a total value of 2.452.130,00 EUR.

The next project meeting will be held in November 2012 in Thessaloniki (Greece).   For more information:


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