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Meeting of National Coordinators in Belgrade

The Committee of National Coordinators (CNC) met for the last time this year under the Serbian Presidency on 25 November in Belgrade. It was welcomed by the State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ambassador Ivan Mrkic who outlined the highlights of the Serbian Presidency in particular the new format adopted by the Presidency, for the MFA Meeting in Trieste and the CEI Summit in Belgrade.

Participants emphasized  that these and other high-level meetings as the Meeting of Ministers of Science and Technology have had exceptional results, both in terms of participation and content. Cooperation with the CEI Parliamentary Dimension was strengthened. The CEI Business Dimension was also enhanced, thanks to the Business Forum organised in the context of the Summit. Moreover, cooperation with other regional and international organisations was reinforced. Relations with the United Nations will be strengthened through the proposal of obtaining an observer status in the General Assembly. Participants also expressed the hope that a CEI Civil Society Network would be established soon.

The National Coordinators expressed satisfaction with the results achieved and welcomed the efforts made by the Secretariat in order to enhance the CEI involvement in EU-funded projects, both as Lead Partner and Partner. Through this project-oriented approach the CEI has been able to further strengthen its cooperation with the European Commission.   The Presidency expressed gratitude and esteem to the CEI Secretary General and his team for their professionalism and commitment demonstrated throughout the year. On behalf of the CEI, Secretary General Ambassador Gerhard Pfanzelter emphasised the excellent interaction between Presidency and Secretariat and the innovative, dynamic and efficient approach by the Serbian Presidency team under the leadership of Ambassador Zoran Popovic.   Finally, the CNC extended its best wishes to Ukraine, which will take over the CEI Presidency as of 1 January 2012. In this context, Ukraine announced that the next CNC meeting would be held in Kyiv in the first half of February.   for more information:        

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