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Students from Belgrade Design School Visit Trieste: Twinning with "Istituto d’Arte Nordio"

A group of students and teachers from the Belgrade Design School spent a week in Trieste for a twinning programme with the Istituto d’Arte Nordio.

The CEI supported the initiative which represents a first step towards the creation of an art and design schools network in the CEI region. As a follow up, the Istituto d’Arte Nordio is planning to organise a visit to Belgrade next spring. Contacts have been already established in order to involve the Vienna Design School.

Thanks to the CEI, an exhibition including some of the works of the most talented students from Belgrade has been displayed within the Biennale Friuli Venezia Giulia at the Warehouse 26, Old Harbour of Trieste, together with the works of other design schools. This was an extraordinary opportunity for the Belgrade Design School – as stated by the school director, Ms. Jelena Medaković.

The opening of the exhibition was held on 18 October in connection with the CEI Meeting of the Ministers for Science and Technology (19 November), thus enabling the Serbian Minister  Zarko Obradovic to participate with a welcome speech.

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