The 7th Meeting of the SEETAC Project (South East European Transport Axis Cooperation) took place on 30-31 May in Trieste at the CEI premises where the steering committee discussed the new developments of the project (database collection and future transport scenarios) and planned the future technical activities. SEETAC aims at analyzing possible ways of integration between the Western Balkans and the EU transport systems in order to generate transport continuity and to foster infrastructure development in the European area and beyond.
In his opening speech CEI Secretary General Amb. Gerhard Pfanzeter, stressed that SEETAC was a CEI flagship initiative upholding the CEI’s central mission “regional cooperation for European integration”.
Full support for the project was expressed by the Regional Minister for Mobility and Transport of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Mr. Riccardo Riccardi especially in view of creating a North Adriatic Port system (port of Trieste and Monfalcone) inter-linked with EU Priority Projects crossing the region. He also pointed out the importance of connecting the Friuli Venezia Giulia with the Baltic-Adriatic corridor.
Mr. Curzolo from the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) of the South East Europe and Mr. Baron from the European Commission-DG Mobility and Transport also fully endorsed the project.
CEI Alternate Secretary General, Mr. Giorgio Rosso Cicogna tabled the idea of creating synergies between the CEI activities and future SEETAC activities such as the upcoming Conference of CEI Ministries for Economic Development.
The high-level round table discussion, organised on this occasion, was animated by Mr. Zepic, Slovenian Priority area coordinator for the Danube Strategy, Mr. Bajrambasic, Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Spiegel, Head of Department for International Networks and General Transport Planning, from the Austria Ministry for Transport, Ms. Cop Bajde, Head of the Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure Objects, Croatian Ministry of the Transport, Mr. Nikolic, General Manager, South East Europe Transport Observatory (SEETO).
The CEI Secretariat acts as Lead Partner in cooperation with 16 Project Partners and four observers located in the SEE programme area.
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