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Attractive Urban Public Transport for Accessible Cities - ATTAC, a New Project Launched

The first official technical meeting of the ATTAC Project took place in Miskolc, Hungary, on 23-26 May 2011.

Attractive Urban Public Transport for Accessible cities is a project approved under the Second Call for Proposal of the South East Europe Programme.

The project aims at improving the promotion, planning and operation of the urban public transport network of  ATTAC cities and regions into the SEE transport back bone as effective main and intermediate nodes of trans-national accessibility while reducing the bottlenecks in European transport corridors. Different cities and regional governments of the SEE area are involved, from Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia Greece and Bulgaria, under the leadership of Miskolc Holding Plc, transport provider of the city of Miskolc, Hungary.

The Central European Initiative is a partner responsible for the activities related to the extension of the project’s achievements towards a wider SEE area.

The project officially started on 1 January 2011 and will last until 31 December 2013 for a total value of 2.452.130,00. The official kick off meeting will take place in Miskolc in early September 2011.    

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