COME-IN! was co-financed by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme. It contributed at enhancing cultural heritage in Central Europe (CE) and at increasing the capacities of small and medium-sized museums by making them accessible to ALL visitors with different kinds of disabilities.
The Central European Initiative – Executive Secretariat coordinated a multifaceted network of museums, disability associations, academic representatives, training institutions and policy makers from CE, who defined transnational high-level standards and ensured know-how transfer to guarantee accessibility to museums. Specific guidelines were developed to help organise accessible collections as well as inclusive multi-sensorial exhibitions. A training handbook for museum operators is also available.
An innovative promotional tool - the COME-IN! label - was elaborated to award museums complying with the established accessibility standards. The path towards accessibility is still going on, and other 12 museums joined us in 2020.
Lead Partner / Coordinator
- Civic Museum and Galleries of History and Art (Italy)
- The Regional Council of Associations of the People with Disabilities and their Families of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy)
- ACLI Vocational Training Body of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy)
- Maritime museum "Sergej Mašera" Piran (Slovenia)
- Museum of Working World (Austria)
- Archeological Museum of Istra (Croatia)
- OZIV - Austrian Civil Disabled Association (Austria)
- BBRZ - Vocational Training- and Rehabilitation Centre (Austria)
- University of Applied Sciences Erfurt in Thuringia (Germany)
- Thuringian Museum of Pre- and Ancient History (Museum für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Thüringens), (Germany)
- NETZ - Media and Society (Germany)
- Archaeological Museum in Krakow (Poland)
- Municipality of Piran (Slovenia)
Associated partners
- The Commissioner of Thuringia for disabled People (Germany)
- Museum and Florentine Istitute of Prehistrics, "Paolo Graziosi" (Italy)
- Services Centre for people with disability, University of Siena (Italy)
- Chance for the blind foundation (Poland)
- National Association of Italian Municipalities - ANCI FVG (Italy)
- Municipality of Steyr (Austria)
- Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia - Central Directorate for culture, sport and solidarity (Italy)
- Center for the correction of the hearing and the speech Portoroz (Slovenia)
- Association of the Blind of Istria County (Croatia)