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Call for Suppliers in the framework of EU Projects

In order to comply with the European rules on public procurement, the CEI Secretariat – Office for EU projects has established a list of economic operators for the most convenient provision of goods and services. Companies registered to the list will be invited to participate in tenders in accordance with the internal rules of the Organisation ( General Procurement Notice, published and entered into force on 31 July, 2009 and amended on 31 July, 2014).

Companies interested in registering to the CEI list of economic operators shall submit their application form and relevant attachments according to the Call. The application period is always open and the application has no duration limits.
For further information:


Le ditte interessate all’iscrizione nell’elenco di operatori economici dell’InCE devono presentare la relativa domanda di iscrizione, corredata degli allegati richiesti, secondo quanto indicato dal bando. Non ci sono scadenze per la presentazione delle domande e l’iscrizione non ha scadenza.
Per ulteriori informazioni:


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