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CEI Secretary General to pay visits to Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary

On 21-23 January, CEI Secretary General Roberto Antonione is starting his visits to the CEI Member States with the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

The CEI, which is committed to supporting European integration and sustainable development through regional cooperation, recognises the importance of a joint engagement of the member countries on major challenges facing the region. Hungary is one of the founders of the CEI, and the Czech Republic and Slovakia are among its oldest members: they are all important partners towards this end. 

The CEI delegation will meet with government representatives to collect views from the Member States and explore possibilities for strengthening political dialogue. They will also address the CEI programmes and instruments examining ways for improving the financial resources for multilateral activities.

The visits will offer the opportunity to present the new leadership of the CEI-Executive Secretariat:  Sen. Roberto Antonione from Italy as Secretary General; Mr. Antal Nikoletti from Hungary as Alternate Secretary General; Ms. Nina Kodelja from Slovenia and Mr. Zoran Jovanovic from Serbia as Deputy Secretaries General.  

 “The CEI is ever more willing to bring its Member States closer in joint initiatives and encourage further regional cooperation in a structured and result-oriented manner”, says Antonione.

2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the Organisation. This is a significant occasion to endorse the role of the CEI as a key instrument for strengthening relations among the EU member countries, the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries.

Related Docs
Press Release - ITA (197.19 KB)

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